Car Recall Check: Recalls , All Terrain Vehicle

Car Recall Check

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Vehicle Type:
16/03/2007 - Necht
Necht /
Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a risk of injuries, fire and burns because of:- fuel venting in front of rider, - insecure fuel pipes,- fuel pipe securing devices missing,- insufficiently guarded sprocket and chain,- insufficient guards preventing child’s foot from touching engine block,- defective rider's seat securing mechanism,- insufficiently secured battery. The product does not comply with the Machinery Directive.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
09/03/2007 - Necht
Necht /
Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a serious risk of fire, burns and injuries because fuel is being vented out in front of rider which has health, machine control and fire hazard implications. In particular, there is a risk of:- fire because the fuel pipe is not secured and information regarding stop/switch/tap positions of the fuel system is insufficient;- burns because apertures adjacent to rider’s feet are insufficiently guarded to prevent child’s foot from touching engine block;- injuries because the chain and the sprocket are insufficiently guarded and expose parts within 500mm of seat. In addition, there are sharp frontal projections over vehicle’s front lights.The product does not comply with the Machinery Directive.
Model Numbers:
Bar code on engine block: 05121174. Example engine block no: 147FMD05121174. Example VIN: LXESA14085E917487.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
09/03/2007 - Necht
Necht /
Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a serious risk of fire, burns and injuries because fuel is being vented out in front of rider which has health, machine control and fire hazard implications. In particular, there is a risk of:- fire because the fuel pipe is not secured and information regarding stop/switch/tap positions of the fuel system is insufficient;- burns because apertures adjacent to rider’s feet are insufficiently guarded to prevent child’s foot from touching engine block;- injuries because the chain and the sprocket are insufficiently guarded and expose parts within 500mm of seat. In addition, there are sharp frontal projections over vehicle’s front lights.The product does not comply with the Machinery Directive.
Model Numbers:
Bar code on engine block: 05121174. Example engine block no: 147FMD05121174. Example VIN: LXESA14085E917487.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
09/03/2007 - Necht
Necht /
Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a serious risk of fire, burns and injuries because fuel is being vented out in front of rider which has health, machine control and fire hazard implications. In particular, there is a risk of:- fire because the fuel pipe is not secured and information regarding stop/switch/tap positions of the fuel system is insufficient;- burns because apertures adjacent to rider’s feet are insufficiently guarded to prevent child’s foot from touching engine block;- injuries because the chain and the sprocket are insufficiently guarded and expose parts within 500mm of seat. In addition, there are sharp frontal projections over vehicle’s front lights.The product does not comply with the Machinery Directive.
Model Numbers:
Bar code on engine block: 05121174. Example engine block no: 147FMD05121174. Example VIN: LXESA14085E917487.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
09/03/2007 - Necht
Necht /
Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a serious risk of fire, burns and injuries because fuel is being vented out in front of rider which has health, machine control and fire hazard implications. In particular, there is a risk of:- fire because the fuel pipe is not secured and information regarding stop/switch/tap positions of the fuel system is insufficient;- burns because apertures adjacent to rider’s feet are insufficiently guarded to prevent child’s foot from touching engine block;- injuries because the chain and the sprocket are insufficiently guarded and expose parts within 500mm of seat. In addition, there are sharp frontal projections over vehicle’s front lights.The product does not comply with the Machinery Directive.
Model Numbers:
Bar code on engine block: 05121174. Example engine block no: 147FMD05121174. Example VIN: LXESA14085E917487.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
09/03/2007 - Necht
Necht /
Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a serious risk of fire, burns and injuries because fuel is being vented out in front of rider which has health, machine control and fire hazard implications. In particular, there is a risk of:- fire because the fuel pipe is not secured and information regarding stop/switch/tap positions of the fuel system is insufficient;- burns because apertures adjacent to rider’s feet are insufficiently guarded to prevent child’s foot from touching engine block;- injuries because the chain and the sprocket are insufficiently guarded and expose parts within 500mm of seat. In addition, there are sharp frontal projections over vehicle’s front lights.The product does not comply with the Machinery Directive.
Model Numbers:
Bar code on engine block: 05121174. Example engine block no: 147FMD05121174. Example VIN: LXESA14085E917487.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
09/03/2007 - Necht
Necht /
Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a serious risk of fire, burns and injuries because fuel is being vented out in front of rider which has health, machine control and fire hazard implications. In particular, there is a risk of:- fire because the fuel pipe is not secured and information regarding stop/switch/tap positions of the fuel system is insufficient;- burns because apertures adjacent to rider’s feet are insufficiently guarded to prevent child’s foot from touching engine block;- injuries because the chain and the sprocket are insufficiently guarded and expose parts within 500mm of seat. In addition, there are sharp frontal projections over vehicle’s front lights.The product does not comply with the Machinery Directive.
Model Numbers:
Bar code on engine block: 05121174. Example engine block no: 147FMD05121174. Example VIN: LXESA14085E917487.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
09/03/2007 - Necht
Necht /
Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a serious risk of fire, burns and injuries because fuel is being vented out in front of rider which has health, machine control and fire hazard implications. In particular, there is a risk of:- fire because the fuel pipe is not secured and information regarding stop/switch/tap positions of the fuel system is insufficient;- burns because apertures adjacent to rider’s feet are insufficiently guarded to prevent child’s foot from touching engine block;- injuries because the chain and the sprocket are insufficiently guarded and expose parts within 500mm of seat. In addition, there are sharp frontal projections over vehicle’s front lights.The product does not comply with the Machinery Directive.
Model Numbers:
Bar code on engine block: 05121174. Example engine block no: 147FMD05121174. Example VIN: LXESA14085E917487.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
09/03/2007 - Necht
Necht /
Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a serious risk of fire, burns and injuries because fuel is being vented out in front of rider which has health, machine control and fire hazard implications. In particular, there is a risk of:- fire because the fuel pipe is not secured and information regarding stop/switch/tap positions of the fuel system is insufficient;- burns because apertures adjacent to rider’s feet are insufficiently guarded to prevent child’s foot from touching engine block;- injuries because the chain and the sprocket are insufficiently guarded and expose parts within 500mm of seat. In addition, there are sharp frontal projections over vehicle’s front lights.The product does not comply with the Machinery Directive.
Model Numbers:
Bar code on engine block: 05121174. Example engine block no: 147FMD05121174. Example VIN: LXESA14085E917487.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
09/03/2007 - Necht
Necht /
Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a serious risk of fire, burns and injuries because fuel is being vented out in front of rider which has health, machine control and fire hazard implications. In particular, there is a risk of:- fire because the fuel pipe is not secured and information regarding stop/switch/tap positions of the fuel system is insufficient;- burns because apertures adjacent to rider’s feet are insufficiently guarded to prevent child’s foot from touching engine block;- injuries because the chain and the sprocket are insufficiently guarded and expose parts within 500mm of seat. In addition, there are sharp frontal projections over vehicle’s front lights.The product does not comply with the Machinery Directive.
Model Numbers:
Bar code on engine block: 05121174. Example engine block no: 147FMD05121174. Example VIN: LXESA14085E917487.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
09/03/2007 - Necht
Necht /
Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a serious risk of fire, burns and injuries because fuel is being vented out in front of rider which has health, machine control and fire hazard implications. In particular, there is a risk of:- fire because the fuel pipe is not secured and information regarding stop/switch/tap positions of the fuel system is insufficient;- burns because apertures adjacent to rider’s feet are insufficiently guarded to prevent child’s foot from touching engine block;- injuries because the chain and the sprocket are insufficiently guarded and expose parts within 500mm of seat. In addition, there are sharp frontal projections over vehicle’s front lights.The product does not comply with the Machinery Directive.
Model Numbers:
Bar code on engine block: 05121174. Example engine block no: 147FMD05121174. Example VIN: LXESA14085E917487.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
09/03/2007 - Necht
Necht /
Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a serious risk of fire, burns and injuries because fuel is being vented out in front of rider which has health, machine control and fire hazard implications. In particular, there is a risk of:- fire because the fuel pipe is not secured and information regarding stop/switch/tap positions of the fuel system is insufficient;- burns because apertures adjacent to rider’s feet are insufficiently guarded to prevent child’s foot from touching engine block;- injuries because the chain and the sprocket are insufficiently guarded and expose parts within 500mm of seat. In addition, there are sharp frontal projections over vehicle’s front lights.The product does not comply with the Machinery Directive.
Model Numbers:
Bar code on engine block: 05121174. Example engine block no: 147FMD05121174. Example VIN: LXESA14085E917487.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View