Car Recall Check: Recalls , Bus/coach, EVOBUS, O 530 G

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Vehicle Type:
16/08/2013 - Evobus
O 530, O 530 G, O 530 GL, O 530 K, O 530 L, O 530 LE, CapaCity, Citaro, Citaro CNG, Citaro G, Citaro
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Vibration may cause the support frame of the cover of the ceiling-mounted air-conditioning unit to work loose and fall into the passenger compartment.
Model Numbers:
EC type approval / general operating permit (ABE) Nos: e1‘2007/46*0014; *0018; *0019; *0021; *0087; *0089; *0090; *0903; L 983; K 121, Nachtrag 8; K330*06; L018*03.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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