Car Recall Check: Recalls , Bus/coach, MERCEDES-BENZ
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Vehicle Type:
28/04/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
Actros, Antos, Arocs, Atego
Actros, Antos, Arocs, Atego
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Check This Car for the following recall:
In the vehicles affected, a defective steering wheel screw connection can cause the steering wheel to disengage from the steering column.
Model Numbers:
EC type-approval: e1*2007/46*0779, e1*2007/46*0775, e1*2007/46*0813, e1*2007/46*0838, e1*2007/46*0822, e1*2007/46*0682, e1*2007/46*0811, e1*2007/46*0774, e1*2007/46*0726, e1*2007/46*0732, e1*2007.....
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were produced between 11.11.2016 and 23.03.2017.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/04/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Following the update of the control unit coding, the coding parameters of the control unit could be defective. This could give rise to various unplanned reactions in the vehicle: the wrong airbag could be triggered in the event of an accident, the airbag control unit may not recognise the belt buckle status, the engine control unit could be coded with a false maximum speed or various assistance systems may not function.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 245G, 169, 245, 246, 204, 204K, 216, 209, 218, 211, 211K, 212, 212K, 207, 454, 451, 463, 164G, 166, 204X, 197, 221,164, 251, 231, 230, 171, 172
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between December 2003 and December 2016 and received an update of the control unit coding over the period from 3 to 5 December 2016 in a garage.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/04/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Following the update of the control unit coding, the coding parameters of the control unit could be defective. This could give rise to various unplanned reactions in the vehicle: the wrong airbag could be triggered in the event of an accident, the airbag control unit may not recognise the belt buckle status, the engine control unit could be coded with a false maximum speed or various assistance systems may not function.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 245G, 169, 245, 246, 204, 204K, 216, 209, 218, 211, 211K, 212, 212K, 207, 454, 451, 463, 164G, 166, 204X, 197, 221,164, 251, 231, 230, 171, 172
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between December 2003 and December 2016 and received an update of the control unit coding over the period from 3 to 5 December 2016 in a garage.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/04/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Following the update of the control unit coding, the coding parameters of the control unit could be defective. This could give rise to various unplanned reactions in the vehicle: the wrong airbag could be triggered in the event of an accident, the airbag control unit may not recognise the belt buckle status, the engine control unit could be coded with a false maximum speed or various assistance systems may not function.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 245G, 169, 245, 246, 204, 204K, 216, 209, 218, 211, 211K, 212, 212K, 207, 454, 451, 463, 164G, 166, 204X, 197, 221,164, 251, 231, 230, 171, 172
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between December 2003 and December 2016 and received an update of the control unit coding over the period from 3 to 5 December 2016 in a garage.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/04/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Following the update of the control unit coding, the coding parameters of the control unit could be defective. This could give rise to various unplanned reactions in the vehicle: the wrong airbag could be triggered in the event of an accident, the airbag control unit may not recognise the belt buckle status, the engine control unit could be coded with a false maximum speed or various assistance systems may not function.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 245G, 169, 245, 246, 204, 204K, 216, 209, 218, 211, 211K, 212, 212K, 207, 454, 451, 463, 164G, 166, 204X, 197, 221,164, 251, 231, 230, 171, 172
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between December 2003 and December 2016 and received an update of the control unit coding over the period from 3 to 5 December 2016 in a garage.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/04/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Following the update of the control unit coding, the coding parameters of the control unit could be defective. This could give rise to various unplanned reactions in the vehicle: the wrong airbag could be triggered in the event of an accident, the airbag control unit may not recognise the belt buckle status, the engine control unit could be coded with a false maximum speed or various assistance systems may not function.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 245G, 169, 245, 246, 204, 204K, 216, 209, 218, 211, 211K, 212, 212K, 207, 454, 451, 463, 164G, 166, 204X, 197, 221,164, 251, 231, 230, 171, 172
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between December 2003 and December 2016 and received an update of the control unit coding over the period from 3 to 5 December 2016 in a garage.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/04/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Following the update of the control unit coding, the coding parameters of the control unit could be defective. This could give rise to various unplanned reactions in the vehicle: the wrong airbag could be triggered in the event of an accident, the airbag control unit may not recognise the belt buckle status, the engine control unit could be coded with a false maximum speed or various assistance systems may not function.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 245G, 169, 245, 246, 204, 204K, 216, 209, 218, 211, 211K, 212, 212K, 207, 454, 451, 463, 164G, 166, 204X, 197, 221,164, 251, 231, 230, 171, 172
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between December 2003 and December 2016 and received an update of the control unit coding over the period from 3 to 5 December 2016 in a garage.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/04/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Following the update of the control unit coding, the coding parameters of the control unit could be defective. This could give rise to various unplanned reactions in the vehicle: the wrong airbag could be triggered in the event of an accident, the airbag control unit may not recognise the belt buckle status, the engine control unit could be coded with a false maximum speed or various assistance systems may not function.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 245G, 169, 245, 246, 204, 204K, 216, 209, 218, 211, 211K, 212, 212K, 207, 454, 451, 463, 164G, 166, 204X, 197, 221,164, 251, 231, 230, 171, 172
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between December 2003 and December 2016 and received an update of the control unit coding over the period from 3 to 5 December 2016 in a garage.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/04/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Following the update of the control unit coding, the coding parameters of the control unit could be defective. This could give rise to various unplanned reactions in the vehicle: the wrong airbag could be triggered in the event of an accident, the airbag control unit may not recognise the belt buckle status, the engine control unit could be coded with a false maximum speed or various assistance systems may not function.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 245G, 169, 245, 246, 204, 204K, 216, 209, 218, 211, 211K, 212, 212K, 207, 454, 451, 463, 164G, 166, 204X, 197, 221,164, 251, 231, 230, 171, 172
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between December 2003 and December 2016 and received an update of the control unit coding over the period from 3 to 5 December 2016 in a garage.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/04/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Following the update of the control unit coding, the coding parameters of the control unit could be defective. This could give rise to various unplanned reactions in the vehicle: the wrong airbag could be triggered in the event of an accident, the airbag control unit may not recognise the belt buckle status, the engine control unit could be coded with a false maximum speed or various assistance systems may not function.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 245G, 169, 245, 246, 204, 204K, 216, 209, 218, 211, 211K, 212, 212K, 207, 454, 451, 463, 164G, 166, 204X, 197, 221,164, 251, 231, 230, 171, 172
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between December 2003 and December 2016 and received an update of the control unit coding over the period from 3 to 5 December 2016 in a garage.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/04/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Following the update of the control unit coding, the coding parameters of the control unit could be defective. This could give rise to various unplanned reactions in the vehicle: the wrong airbag could be triggered in the event of an accident, the airbag control unit may not recognise the belt buckle status, the engine control unit could be coded with a false maximum speed or various assistance systems may not function.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 245G, 169, 245, 246, 204, 204K, 216, 209, 218, 211, 211K, 212, 212K, 207, 454, 451, 463, 164G, 166, 204X, 197, 221,164, 251, 231, 230, 171, 172
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between December 2003 and December 2016 and received an update of the control unit coding over the period from 3 to 5 December 2016 in a garage.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/04/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
A-Class, CGI, C-Class, CL, CLA, CLK, CLS, E-Class, G-Class, GL, GLA, GLC, GLE, GLS, GLK, GTS, M-Clas
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Following the update of the control unit coding, the coding parameters of the control unit could be defective. This could give rise to various unplanned reactions in the vehicle: the wrong airbag could be triggered in the event of an accident, the airbag control unit may not recognise the belt buckle status, the engine control unit could be coded with a false maximum speed or various assistance systems may not function.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 245G, 169, 245, 246, 204, 204K, 216, 209, 218, 211, 211K, 212, 212K, 207, 454, 451, 463, 164G, 166, 204X, 197, 221,164, 251, 231, 230, 171, 172
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between December 2003 and December 2016 and received an update of the control unit coding over the period from 3 to 5 December 2016 in a garage.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View