Car Recall Check

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Vehicle Type:
15/01/2016 - Mercedes-Benz
E Class
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to the error in the assembly, the reverse assistance of the active engine bonnet could be missing. In the case of a frontal crash releasing the active engine bonnet, it cannot be ruled out that the engine bonnet would be pushed into the windscreen and place the passengers in danger.
Model Numbers:
Types: 212, 212 K, 212 G EC type approvals: e1*2001/116*0501*23, e1*2007/46*0200*24, e1*2007/46*0484*07
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured in 2015.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/01/2016 - Mercedes-Benz
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The connection between the backrest and the seat cushion on the rear bench seat may break. If it does so, the seat cushion drops approximately 6-7 cm. In the event of an accident, a person sitting on the seat may slip out from under the seat belt. This increases the potential risk of injury.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval number: e2*2007/46*0129* and e2*2007/46*0130* Type: 415
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were produced between 1 October 2012 and 2 September 2014.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
25/12/2015 - Mercedes-Benz
S Class
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The front seatbelts were installed on the wrong sides and may not lock as required. In the event of an accident there is an increased risk of injury.
Model Numbers:
Types: 216, 216 AMG EC type-approvals: e1*2001/116*0335*23 et seq., e1*2001/116*0396*12 et seq.
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were produced between November 2013 and June 2015.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
20/11/2015 - Mercedes-Benz
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The bolts attaching the left-hand and right-hand seatbelts to the car body may loosen. In the case of a loose bolt, the risk of injury would be increased in the event of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type: 906; EC type-approvals: e1*2007/46*0279*, e1*2007/46*0294*, e1*2007/46*0295*, e1*2007/46*0299*, e1*2007/46*0304*, e1*2007/46*0308*, e1*2001/116*0353.
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 13 July and 20 August 2015 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
18/09/2015 - Mercedes-Benz
E-Class, CLS-Class
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The seal of the engine compartment may come loose. Under certain circumstances, this could lead to a contact between the seal and hot components, posing a risk of fire.
Model Numbers:
Type: 212, 212 AMG, 212 K, 212 K AMG, 218, 218 AMG EC type-approval numbers: e1*2001/116*0501*23**, e1*2007/46*0191*11**, e1*2007/46*0200*22**, e1*2007/46*0335*10**, e1*2007/46*0485*14**, e1*.....
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured in April and May 2015
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
18/09/2015 - Mercedes-Benz
E-Class, CLS-Class
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The seal of the engine compartment may come loose. Under certain circumstances, this could lead to a contact between the seal and hot components, posing a risk of fire.
Model Numbers:
Type: 212, 212 AMG, 212 K, 212 K AMG, 218, 218 AMG EC type-approval numbers: e1*2001/116*0501*23**, e1*2007/46*0191*11**, e1*2007/46*0200*22**, e1*2007/46*0335*10**, e1*2007/46*0485*14**, e1*.....
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured in April and May 2015
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
18/09/2015 - Mercedes-Benz
E-Class, CLS-Class
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The seal of the engine compartment may come loose. Under certain circumstances, this could lead to a contact between the seal and hot components, posing a risk of fire.
Model Numbers:
Type: 212, 212 AMG, 212 K, 212 K AMG, 218, 218 AMG EC type-approval numbers: e1*2001/116*0501*23**, e1*2007/46*0191*11**, e1*2007/46*0200*22**, e1*2007/46*0335*10**, e1*2007/46*0485*14**, e1*.....
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured in April and May 2015
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
11/09/2015 - Mercedes-Benz
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to over-tight fitting of the cable harness, vibrations may result in breakage of the cable lug of the earth cable on the engine fixing bolt. As a result, the vehicle may lose all electrical power, which may in turn lead to sudden and, for the driver, unforeseeable failure of the dashboard instruments, vehicle lighting and hazard warning lights and to the loss of traction (engine cuts out).
Model Numbers:
Type: 967EC type-approval:e1*2007/46*1170e1*2007/46*1171e1*2007/46*1172e1*2007/46*1173e1*2007/46*1174e1*2007/46*1175e1*2007/46*1176
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 1 January 2013 and 31 January 2015 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/08/2015 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, B Class, CLA, GLA
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to the incorrect installation of fuses, various vehicle functions might fail. These include the passenger presence detector for the passenger seat, the status display for the passenger airbag, the instrument cluster and the windscreen wipers. This could lead to an accident or an increased risk of injury for the passenger in the event of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 242, 246, 117, 156, 176 AMG, 117 AMG; EC type-approvals: e1*2001/116*0470*07 ff, e1*2007/46*1207*02 ff.
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 9 September and 7 November 2014 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/08/2015 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, B Class, CLA, GLA
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to the incorrect installation of fuses, various vehicle functions might fail. These include the passenger presence detector for the passenger seat, the status display for the passenger airbag, the instrument cluster and the windscreen wipers. This could lead to an accident or an increased risk of injury for the passenger in the event of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 242, 246, 117, 156, 176 AMG, 117 AMG; EC type-approvals: e1*2001/116*0470*07 ff, e1*2007/46*1207*02 ff.
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 9 September and 7 November 2014 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/08/2015 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, B Class, CLA, GLA
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to the incorrect installation of fuses, various vehicle functions might fail. These include the passenger presence detector for the passenger seat, the status display for the passenger airbag, the instrument cluster and the windscreen wipers. This could lead to an accident or an increased risk of injury for the passenger in the event of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 242, 246, 117, 156, 176 AMG, 117 AMG; EC type-approvals: e1*2001/116*0470*07 ff, e1*2007/46*1207*02 ff.
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 9 September and 7 November 2014 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/08/2015 - Mercedes-Benz
A-Class, B Class, CLA, GLA
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to the incorrect installation of fuses, various vehicle functions might fail. These include the passenger presence detector for the passenger seat, the status display for the passenger airbag, the instrument cluster and the windscreen wipers. This could lead to an accident or an increased risk of injury for the passenger in the event of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Types: 176, 242, 246, 117, 156, 176 AMG, 117 AMG; EC type-approvals: e1*2001/116*0470*07 ff, e1*2007/46*1207*02 ff.
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 9 September and 7 November 2014 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View