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Vehicle Type:
19/01/2007 - VW – Volkswagen
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The following problem was found on Passat vehicles. Thermal strain on the front fuel-cooler support could cause it to break. As a result of the support breaking, diesel fuel could leak out and the cooler could shear off and be lost.
Model Numbers:
Vehicle type 3C, EC type-approval 1*2001/116*0307*.It concerns vehicles from the production period March 2005 till August 2006 in the following chassis number ranges:WVW ZZZ 3C Z 5 P 000 238 - 003 189WVW ZZZ 3C Z 6 E 000 057 - 246 222WVW ZZZ 3C Z 6 P 000 013 - 226 966WVW ZZZ 3C Z 6 Z 000 019 - 000 255WVW ZZZ 3C Z 6 9 000 001 - 000 353WVW ZZZ 3C Z 7 E 000 003 - 052 030WVW ZZZ 3C Z 7 P 000 001 - 036 002WVW ZZZ 3C Z 7 Z 000 076 - 000 302WVW ZZZ 3C Z 7 9 000 001 - 000 014.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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