Car Recall Check: Recalls , Lorry, SCANIA

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Vehicle Type:
06/03/2015 - Scania
R 500, P400, G400 and others
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Check This Car for the following recall:
A distribution box fitted in the vehicle was not secured correctly. This might lead to a short-circuit in the vehicle's electrical system and damage associated electrical components. The risk of fire following the short-circuit and even after the engine has been switched off cannot be ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Type: A 4x2, B 4x2, B 4x4, A 6x2, B 6x2, A 6x2/4, B 6x2/4, A 6x2*4, B 6x2*4, A 6x4, B 6x6, B 8x2, B 8x2/4, B 8x2*6, B 8x4, B 8x4*4, B 10x4*6
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured in 2014 are affected.
Recall Code:
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26/12/2014 - Scania
K 440
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Air may get into the braking system as a result of an incorrectly installed brake hose. This may lead to the unexpected sudden activation of the parking brake.
Model Numbers:
Sales description: K 440 EB6x2*4LIType: B4x2 Number of German approval (ABE): H467
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured in 2014
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
01/11/2013 - Scania
R 500 LA 4x2
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Check This Car for the following recall:
As a result of possible manufacturing faults connected with the crimping of the brake hoses, the latter are liable to detach from their connection. This may result in the braking efficiency being lost from a wheel station or the application of the parking brake.
Model Numbers:
Type: B 4x2, B 6x2, A 4x2, B 6x4, A 6x2/4, B 6x2/4, A 6x2*4, B 6x2*4, A 6x4, B 8x4, B 8x2, B 8x2*6, B8x4*4, B 10x4*6, EB6x2*4NI ABE: H 467, K 922, H 285, H 505 Sales designation: R 500 LA 4x2.....
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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07/06/2013 - Scania
Lorry R 500 LA 4x2
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Incorrect fastening of the nuts of the thrust rod fastenings on the axle leads to changes in direction stability, which could cause an accident. The torque of the nuts in the vehicles in question is being checked.
Model Numbers:
A 4x2, A 6x2*4, A 6x2/4, A 6x4, ABE: H 285, ABE: H 467, ABE: H 505, ABE: K 922, B 10x4*6, B 4x2, B 6x2, B 6x2*4, B 6x2/4, B 6x4, B 8x2, B 8x2*6, B 8x4, B8x4*4
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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