Car Recall Check: Recalls , Mercedes, MERCEDES-BENZ
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Vehicle Type:
30/08/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
V-Klasse, Vito
V-Klasse, Vito
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The screw connections of front swivel seat consoles could be defective. This may lead to an increased risk of injury in the event of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0457*19, e1*2007/46*0458*14; types: 639/2, 639/4
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 23 January 2019 and 9 April 2019.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
30/08/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
V-Klasse, Vito
V-Klasse, Vito
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The screw connections of front swivel seat consoles could be defective. This may lead to an increased risk of injury in the event of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0457*19, e1*2007/46*0458*14; types: 639/2, 639/4
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 23 January 2019 and 9 April 2019.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
30/08/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
V-Klasse, Vito
V-Klasse, Vito
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The screw connections of front swivel seat consoles could be defective. This may lead to an increased risk of injury in the event of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0457*19, e1*2007/46*0458*14; types: 639/2, 639/4
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 23 January 2019 and 9 April 2019.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
30/08/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
V-Klasse, Vito
V-Klasse, Vito
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The screw connections of front swivel seat consoles could be defective. This may lead to an increased risk of injury in the event of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0457*19, e1*2007/46*0458*14; types: 639/2, 639/4
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 23 January 2019 and 9 April 2019.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
30/08/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
A small opening may have been melted into the floor due to incorrect welding of a weld stud. Consequently, water may ingress into the right-hand side of the vehicle's interior/footwell. As a result, various electrical contacts (including for the internal combustion engine, the lighting and the windscreen wipers) could then become wet. This could affect their functioning, increasing the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval number: e1*2007/46*1885*00-03; type: H1GLE
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 27 June 2018 and 25 April 2019.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
30/08/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
V-Klasse, Vito
V-Klasse, Vito
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The screw connections of front swivel seat consoles could be defective. This may lead to an increased risk of injury in the event of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0457*19, e1*2007/46*0458*14; types: 639/2, 639/4
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 23 January 2019 and 9 April 2019.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
30/08/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
V-Klasse, Vito
V-Klasse, Vito
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The screw connections of front swivel seat consoles could be defective. This may lead to an increased risk of injury in the event of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0457*19, e1*2007/46*0458*14; types: 639/2, 639/4
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 23 January 2019 and 9 April 2019.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
30/08/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
V-Klasse, Vito
V-Klasse, Vito
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The screw connections of front swivel seat consoles could be defective. This may lead to an increased risk of injury in the event of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0457*19, e1*2007/46*0458*14; types: 639/2, 639/4
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 23 January 2019 and 9 April 2019.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
30/08/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
V-Klasse, Vito
V-Klasse, Vito
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The screw connections of front swivel seat consoles could be defective. This may lead to an increased risk of injury in the event of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0457*19, e1*2007/46*0458*14; types: 639/2, 639/4
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 23 January 2019 and 9 April 2019.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/07/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Possible defect in the automatic transmission may block the changing of gears. As a result, the vehicle may roll away or inadvertently accelerate, increasing the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0296*10, e1*2007/46*0300*15, e1*2007/46*0301*17; types: 906BB50, 906BA35, 906BB35
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 7 August 2018 and 29 October 2018.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/07/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Possible defect in the automatic transmission may block the changing of gears. As a result, the vehicle may roll away or inadvertently accelerate, increasing the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0296*10, e1*2007/46*0300*15, e1*2007/46*0301*17; types: 906BB50, 906BA35, 906BB35
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 7 August 2018 and 29 October 2018.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/07/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Possible defect in the automatic transmission may block the changing of gears. As a result, the vehicle may roll away or inadvertently accelerate, increasing the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0296*10, e1*2007/46*0300*15, e1*2007/46*0301*17; types: 906BB50, 906BA35, 906BB35
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 7 August 2018 and 29 October 2018.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View