Car Recall Check: Recalls , Mobile Home/camper Van

Car Recall Check

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Vehicle Type:
21/01/2022 - Mercedes-Benz
Marco Polo, Marco Polo Activity, Marco Polo Horizon
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Dismantling or assembly of the back-up battery may lead to damage to the wiring harness due to changes in the installation space. This may lead to an increased risk of fire. The product does not comply with the requirements laid down in the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e1*2007/46*0457*21-*28, Type: 639/2
Production Dates:
29.1.2019 - 14.5.2021
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/01/2022 - Mercedes-Benz
Marco Polo, Marco Polo Activity, Marco Polo Horizon
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Dismantling or assembly of the back-up battery may lead to damage to the wiring harness due to changes in the installation space. This may lead to an increased risk of fire. The product does not comply with the requirements laid down in the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e1*2007/46*0457*21-*28, Type: 639/2
Production Dates:
29.1.2019 - 14.5.2021
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/01/2022 - Mercedes-Benz
Marco Polo, Marco Polo Activity, Marco Polo Horizon
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Dismantling or assembly of the back-up battery may lead to damage to the wiring harness due to changes in the installation space. This may lead to an increased risk of fire. The product does not comply with the requirements laid down in the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e1*2007/46*0457*21-*28, Type: 639/2
Production Dates:
29.1.2019 - 14.5.2021
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/01/2022 - Mercedes-Benz
Marco Polo, Marco Polo Activity, Marco Polo Horizon
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Dismantling or assembly of the back-up battery may lead to damage to the wiring harness due to changes in the installation space. This may lead to an increased risk of fire. The product does not comply with the requirements laid down in the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e1*2007/46*0457*21-*28, Type: 639/2
Production Dates:
29.1.2019 - 14.5.2021
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/01/2022 - Mercedes-Benz
Marco Polo, Marco Polo Activity, Marco Polo Horizon
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Dismantling or assembly of the back-up battery may lead to damage to the wiring harness due to changes in the installation space. This may lead to an increased risk of fire. The product does not comply with the requirements laid down in the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e1*2007/46*0457*21-*28, Type: 639/2
Production Dates:
29.1.2019 - 14.5.2021
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/01/2022 - Mercedes-Benz
Marco Polo, Marco Polo Activity, Marco Polo Horizon
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Dismantling or assembly of the back-up battery may lead to damage to the wiring harness due to changes in the installation space. This may lead to an increased risk of fire. The product does not comply with the requirements laid down in the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e1*2007/46*0457*21-*28, Type: 639/2
Production Dates:
29.1.2019 - 14.5.2021
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/01/2022 - Mercedes-Benz
Marco Polo, Marco Polo Activity, Marco Polo Horizon
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Dismantling or assembly of the back-up battery may lead to damage to the wiring harness due to changes in the installation space. This may lead to an increased risk of fire. The product does not comply with the requirements laid down in the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e1*2007/46*0457*21-*28, Type: 639/2
Production Dates:
29.1.2019 - 14.5.2021
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/01/2022 - Mercedes-Benz
Marco Polo, Marco Polo Activity, Marco Polo Horizon
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Dismantling or assembly of the back-up battery may lead to damage to the wiring harness due to changes in the installation space. This may lead to an increased risk of fire. The product does not comply with the requirements laid down in the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e1*2007/46*0457*21-*28, Type: 639/2
Production Dates:
29.1.2019 - 14.5.2021
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/01/2022 - Mercedes-Benz
Marco Polo, Marco Polo Activity, Marco Polo Horizon
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Dismantling or assembly of the back-up battery may lead to damage to the wiring harness due to changes in the installation space. This may lead to an increased risk of fire. The product does not comply with the requirements laid down in the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e1*2007/46*0457*21-*28, Type: 639/2
Production Dates:
29.1.2019 - 14.5.2021
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/01/2022 - Mercedes-Benz
Marco Polo, Marco Polo Activity, Marco Polo Horizon
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Dismantling or assembly of the back-up battery may lead to damage to the wiring harness due to changes in the installation space. This may lead to an increased risk of fire. The product does not comply with the requirements laid down in the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e1*2007/46*0457*21-*28, Type: 639/2
Production Dates:
29.1.2019 - 14.5.2021
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/01/2022 - Mercedes-Benz
Marco Polo, Marco Polo Activity, Marco Polo Horizon
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Dismantling or assembly of the back-up battery may lead to damage to the wiring harness due to changes in the installation space. This may lead to an increased risk of fire. The product does not comply with the requirements laid down in the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e1*2007/46*0457*21-*28, Type: 639/2
Production Dates:
29.1.2019 - 14.5.2021
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
01/10/2021 - Carado
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The ground connection may be fitted incorrectly. As a result, a short circuit to the ground may occur, increasing the risk of fire.
Model Numbers:
e13*2007/46*1226*21, e1*2007/46*2125*01, Typ: FI-2007/46, LVF2
Production Dates:
2020 - 2021
Recall Code:
THB 006-505-1005-E07
For more information and see the full recall View