Car Recall Check: Recalls , Motorbike Parts, YAMAHA

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Vehicle Type:
26/10/2007 - Yamaha
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of fire because of inadequate material of the fuel pump seal, the ozone-induced crack may develop on the fuel pump seal. In an extreme case, the fuel pump seal may lose its sealing ability, resulting in fuel leakage from the fuel tank.
Model Numbers:
models NXC125, YP250, YP400, CP250 and XP500
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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28/09/2007 - YAMAHA
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The rear suspension on the motorcycles may collapse during riding due to the suspension arm breakage at its bearing mount area. The affected area is constantly under stress from the press-fitted bearing. When the affected area is exposed to corrosive agents such as snow melting agent, the affected area develop cracks to the point of breaking the bearing area.
Model Numbers:
Motorcycles, model MT 01. Model code and frame number (PREFIX No):- 5YU1/5YU3/5YU4, RP121, (000301-011175),- 5YU8/5YUB, RP181, (000301- 0001239),- 5YU2/5YU5/5YU6, RP122, (000003-000438),- 5YU7, RP14N, (000002-000201),- 5YUD/5YUE, RP20N, (000003-000092).
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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28/09/2007 - YAMAHA
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The rear suspension on the motorcycles may collapse during riding due to the suspension arm breakage at its bearing mount area. The affected area is constantly under stress from the press-fitted bearing. When the affected area is exposed to corrosive agents such as snow melting agent, the affected area develop cracks to the point of breaking the bearing area.
Model Numbers:
Motorcycles, model MT 01. Model code and frame number (PREFIX No):- 5YU1/5YU3/5YU4, RP121, (000301-011175),- 5YU8/5YUB, RP181, (000301- 0001239),- 5YU2/5YU5/5YU6, RP122, (000003-000438),- 5YU7, RP14N, (000002-000201),- 5YUD/5YUE, RP20N, (000003-000092).
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
28/09/2007 - YAMAHA
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The rear suspension on the motorcycles may collapse during riding due to the suspension arm breakage at its bearing mount area. The affected area is constantly under stress from the press-fitted bearing. When the affected area is exposed to corrosive agents such as snow melting agent, the affected area develop cracks to the point of breaking the bearing area.
Model Numbers:
Motorcycles, model MT 01. Model code and frame number (PREFIX No):- 5YU1/5YU3/5YU4, RP121, (000301-011175),- 5YU8/5YUB, RP181, (000301- 0001239),- 5YU2/5YU5/5YU6, RP122, (000003-000438),- 5YU7, RP14N, (000002-000201),- 5YUD/5YUE, RP20N, (000003-000092).
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
28/09/2007 - YAMAHA
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The rear suspension on the motorcycles may collapse during riding due to the suspension arm breakage at its bearing mount area. The affected area is constantly under stress from the press-fitted bearing. When the affected area is exposed to corrosive agents such as snow melting agent, the affected area develop cracks to the point of breaking the bearing area.
Model Numbers:
Motorcycles, model MT 01. Model code and frame number (PREFIX No):- 5YU1/5YU3/5YU4, RP121, (000301-011175),- 5YU8/5YUB, RP181, (000301- 0001239),- 5YU2/5YU5/5YU6, RP122, (000003-000438),- 5YU7, RP14N, (000002-000201),- 5YUD/5YUE, RP20N, (000003-000092).
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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27/04/2007 - YAMAHA
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Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a risk of injuries because vibration can cause the pulse generator coil cable to work loose. As a result, the engine stalls and cannot be restarted. The engine can stall even when driving which poses the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Vehicle type VP14; Approval number: e1*92/61/*0183*00; VIN-range JYAVP14E***005785 to JYAVP14E***008752; chassis number range from model code 5PX4 the first three zeros (see ***) are replaced by digits and letters not in alphanumerical order. It concerns vehicles built between 2003 and 2005.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
27/04/2007 - YAMAHA
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Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a risk of injuries because vibration can cause the pulse generator coil cable to work loose. As a result, the engine stalls and cannot be restarted. The engine can stall even when driving which poses the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Vehicle type VP14; Approval number: e1*92/61/*0183*00; VIN-range JYAVP14E***005785 to JYAVP14E***008752; chassis number range from model code 5PX4 the first three zeros (see ***) are replaced by digits and letters not in alphanumerical order. It concerns vehicles built between 2003 and 2005.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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27/04/2007 - YAMAHA
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Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a risk of injuries because vibration can cause the pulse generator coil cable to work loose. As a result, the engine stalls and cannot be restarted. The engine can stall even when driving which poses the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Vehicle type VP14; Approval number: e1*92/61/*0183*00; VIN-range JYAVP14E***005785 to JYAVP14E***008752; chassis number range from model code 5PX4 the first three zeros (see ***) are replaced by digits and letters not in alphanumerical order. It concerns vehicles built between 2003 and 2005.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
27/04/2007 - YAMAHA
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Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a risk of injuries because vibration can cause the pulse generator coil cable to work loose. As a result, the engine stalls and cannot be restarted. The engine can stall even when driving which poses the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Vehicle type VP14; Approval number: e1*92/61/*0183*00; VIN-range JYAVP14E***005785 to JYAVP14E***008752; chassis number range from model code 5PX4 the first three zeros (see ***) are replaced by digits and letters not in alphanumerical order. It concerns vehicles built between 2003 and 2005.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
23/02/2007 - YAMAHA
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Check This Car for the following recall:
In affected motorcycles, high-pressure washing or long usage in rainy conditions can cause water infiltration inside the main wiring harness’ protection. This water could remain for a long time inside the wiring harness area, which is U-shaped and trickle down into the TPS wire through a joint. This could cause a corrosion problem, especially inside the TPS coupler. As a consequence, the TPS signal could be disturbed causing incorrect ignition advance and injection timing to occur, with one or more of the following symptoms: - engine difficult to start; - bad engine response; or - muffler overheating that may cause certain plastic parts to melt and/or muffler damage. These symptoms (especially the second one) could lead to loss of control of the motorcycle.Moreover, this product poses a serious risk of injuries because breakage of the side stand bracket may occur when the product is placed on its stand and the stand is then used as a pivot and during transport. No breakages have occurred whilst the product has been ridden. The breakage is caused by stress concentration due to bracket shape and its fixing structure. Breakage of the side stand bracket could cause side-fall of the motorcycle, resulting in possible injury of the rider. During transportation on a trailer/van/truck, an accident is possible due to instability of the machine after breakage.
Model Numbers:
Motorcycles, model YZF MT 03 ‘06. The recall concerns 2006 model year YAMAHA YZF MT 03 ’06 motorcycles.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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24/11/2006 - Yamaha
Air filter and screws in Yamaha motorcycle
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The affected motorcycles pose a risk of injury following a loss of control of the motorcycle. The risk results from the fact that the air filter mounting screws may come off and get caught at the throttle valve. If this happens, the throttle valve may stick and the vehicle does not reduce the engine speed properly.
Model Numbers:
YZF R6 ‘06
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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10/11/2006 - Yamaha
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Check This Car for the following recall:
These vehicles can exhibit various defects: - the fourth-gear sprocket on the gearbox main shaft can shift axially, since the circlip may slip out of the groove, - a dog on the fourth-gear sprocket on the layshaft may break off in the event of a violent gear-change. The main shaft including the fourth-gear sprocket and the associated clips and washers must be replaced on all vehicles. The fourth-gear sprocket on the layshaft must also be replaced with a modified, reinforced version.
Model Numbers:
VP08, EC type-approval e1*92/61*00029
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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