Car Recall Check: Recalls , Motorcycle, BMW, R 1200 GS

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Vehicle Type:
04/07/2014 - Bmw
R 1200 GS
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Due to pulsating oil pressure, the sealing ring at the transmission output may be pushed out of the transmission housing. As a result, oil may leak out onto the rear tyre. This could lead to a risk of crashing causing injuries.
Model Numbers:
Type: R12; name: R 1200 GS; model: K50; EC-type approval number: e1*2002/24*0584*
Production Dates:
The motorcycles affected were produced between 21 October 2011 and 22 August 2013.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
21/03/2014 - Bmw
F 700 GS, F 800 GS, F 800 GS Adventure, F 800 GT, R 1200 R, C 600 Sport, C 650 GT, R 1200 GS
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to a possibly defective seal on the side stand switch, water may penetrate and cause the side stand switch to malfunction. An engine cut-out while the motorcycle is being ridden cannot be ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Type: E8GS, E8ST, R1ST, C65, R12; type-approval numbers: e1*2002/24*0352, e1*2002/24*0283*, e1*2002/24*0230*, e1*2002/24*0552*, e1*2002/24*0584; models: K70, K72/11, K75, K71/11, K27/11; K18, K19.....
Production Dates:
Motorcycles produced between 28 November 2012 and 11 October 2013 are concerned.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View