Car Recall Check: Recalls , Motorcycle, DUCATI, 1199 Panigale

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Vehicle Type:
17/08/2012 - Ducati
1199 Panigale
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The purpose of the recall is to replace and/or re-assembly various components:a) the exhaust butterfly valve bowden cable support;b) the steering damper head uniball bearing (“S” and “S Tricolore” versions only);c) the steering damper retaining screws (all versions);d) the swinging arm shafts;e) the front brake master cylinder fluid reservoir connection tube.Each of the problems with the above components could potentially lead to an accident, causing injuries to the rider of the motorcycle.
Model Numbers:
The recall affects 1199 PANIGALE motorcycles (all versions) MY2012 and MY2013, with VINs: ZDMH800ABBB000030 to ZDMH800ABCB007709 and ZDMH801AACB000283 to ZDMH801ABCB007697 for defects (.....
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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