Car Recall Check: Recalls , Motorcycle, HONDA, GL1800B

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Vehicle Type:
06/11/2015 - Honda
GL1800 & GL1800B
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The check valve orifice on the braking system is susceptible to becoming blocked resulting in rear wheel brake dragging. Unexpected braking/dragging increases the risk of a crash and continued riding with the rear brake engaged/dragging may generate enough heat to cause the rear brake to catch fire.
Model Numbers:
Models: GL1800 Goldwing and GL1800B Bagger. Types: ED, 2ED and 6ED.
Production Dates:
Year model: 2001 to 2016. Production period: 13/06/2000 to 14/09/2015.
Recall Code:
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