Car Recall Check: Recalls , Motorcycle, HUSQVARNA, Svartpilen

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Vehicle Type:
09/07/2021 - Husqvarna
701 Vitpilen / Svartpilen
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Due to discrepancies in the assembly process, there may be a misalignment between the gear teeth on the licence-plate holder and the swing arm. This may lead to the licence-plate holder being twisted and may subsequently cause the collar nut on the rear wheel spindle to loosen.As a result, the licence-plate holder may become detached, leading to increased risk of an accident. The product does not meet the requirements of the General Product Safety Directive.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
2018-2020 (Vitpilen)2019-2020 (Svartpilen)
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/10/2021 - Husqvarna, KTM
KTM Duke/Enduro R/SMC R; Husqvarna Enduro/Supermoto/Vitpilen/Svartpilen
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Due to damage to the seal, the operation of the clutch output cylinder can be affected. This could impair the functioning of the gearbox, increasing the risk of an accident. The product does not meet the requirements laid down in the Regulation on the type-approval and market surveillance of two- or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles.
Model Numbers:
e1*168/2013*00146*01 / KTM 690 Enduro R (A2), e1*168/2013*00002*01 / KTM 690 Duke (A2), e1*168/2013*00003*01 / KTM 690 Duke (A3), e1*168/2013*00032*01 / Husqvarna 701 Enduro (A3), e1*168/2013*00032*02 / Husqvarna 701 Supermoto (A3), e1*168/2013*00034*01 / Husqvarna 701 Enduro (A2), e1*168/2013*00034*02 /Husqvarna 701 Supermoto (A2), e1*168/2013*00065*01 / Husqvarna Vitpilen 701 (A2), e1*168/2013*00065*02 / Husqvarna Svartpilen 701 (A2), e1*168/2013*00066*01 / Husqvarna Vitpilen 701 (A3), e1*168/2013*00066*02 / Husqvarna Svartpilen 701 (A3), e1*168/2013*00147*01 / KTM 690 Enduro R (A3), e1*168/2013*00147*01 / KTM 690 SMC R (A3)
Production Dates:
Model year: 2018/2019/2020
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View