Car Recall Check: Recalls , Motorcycle, KAWASAKI

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Vehicle Type:
02/03/2007 - KAWASAKI
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Check This Car for the following recall:
This product poses a serious risk of injuries because incorrect routing of the brake hose can cause the hose to contact the underside of the ignition switch body or screw at the right side of the steering head. Continued use in this condition can lead to damage of the front brake hose with the possibility of eventual leakage causing brake failure and the possibility of an accident.The brake hose routing could be incorrect if the incorrect diagram shown in the service manual was followed during pre-sales set up or while making other repairs or adjustments.
Model Numbers:
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Recall Code:
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04/08/2006 - Kawasaki
Kawasaki /
Check This Car for the following recall:
On certain motorcycles, the cables running to the ignition connector located beneath the fuel tank can come into contact with the frame support. In continued use, the ignition cable can become damaged or can be cut through, resulting in a short circuit in the system that may cause the ignition to fail suddenly and cause the engine to cut out.This fault in the motorcycle’s electrical installations may place the rider at risk and cause road traffic accidents.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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21/07/2006 - Kawasaki
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The motorcycle’s down sensor ensures that the engine cuts out when the motorcycle goes down. In the affected motorcycles, the bolts holding the down sensor may not be properly attached. If the bolts become loose, the down sensor may come out of its bracket, causing the engine to cut out while the motorcycle is being ridden or preventing the engine from cutting out if the motorcycle goes down. If the engine cuts out while the motorcycle is being ridden, or if it fails to stop when the motorcycle goes down, this could be very dangerous and could injure or kill the motorcyclist.
Model Numbers:
ZZR 1400 (ZX 1400 A6F/B6F)
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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