Car Recall Check: Recalls , Motorcycle, MV AGUSTA, F3

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Vehicle Type:
09/05/2014 - MV AGUSTA
Brutale, F3, F4 & Rivale
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Some motorcycles were produced using a swing arm pin that is fixed by a non-compliant fixing screw. The screw could break during tightening to the prescribed fastening torque which could lead to a road accident.
Model Numbers:
Brutale (675,800, 800 Dragster, 1090, R, RR & RR Corsa. Chassis range 004823 & 005820 - 005911. Production dates 18/12/13 - 10/3/14, F3 (675, 800). Chassis range 004118 - 004591. Production dates 18/12/13 - 10/3/14, F4 (RR, R & Corsa) Chassis range 005418 - 005507. Production dates 18/12/13 - 10/3/14, Rivale 800.Chassis range 000672-001400. Production dates 18/12/13 - 10/3/14
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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