Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, ALPINA, B3

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Vehicle Type:
15/08/2014 - Alpina
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The frontal passenger-side inflators could create excessive internal pressure during air bag deployment after long-term exposure to high absolute humidity environments. In a worst case scenario, the inflator may rupture, possibly causing injury. Even if the inflator does not rupture, due to the specific design of the frontal passenger-side airbag module with its integrated inflator, excessive internal pressure of the inflator could potentially result in an increased risk of airbag-induced injuries in a deployment event.
Model Numbers:
Type: E46Model: B3 3.3EC type-approval number: B3S
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured from May 1999 to August 2006.
Recall Code:
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