Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, ASTON MARTIN, V12 Vantage (Coupe and Roadster)

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Vehicle Type:
09/01/2015 - Aston Martin
DB9 (Coupe & Volante), DBS (Coupe & Volante), One-77, V12 Vantage (Coupe and Roadster), V12 Zagato,
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The control module for the front heated seats may fail when the ignition is switched on. This could allow a permanent feed to the seat heater element(s) and it may not be possible to switch off the heating. This fault could cause the seat to overheat and in extreme circumstances the seat occupants may receive burns.
Model Numbers:
Aston Martin: DB9 (Coupe & Volante), DBS (Coupe & Volante), One-77, V12 Vantage (Coupe and Roadster), V12 Zagato, V8 Vantage (Coupe and Roadster), Virage (Coupe and Roadster)
Production Dates:
Vehicles built between 15/06/2006 and 06/11/2014.
Recall Code:
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