Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, AUDI, TT
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Vehicle Type:
08/05/2020 - Audi
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Check This Car for the following recall:
A bracket mounted on the car body side can damage the fuel tank in the event of a crash. Consequently, fuel may leak close to a source of ignition, increasing the risk of fire.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval number: e1 * 2001/116 * 0369 * .. , Type: 8J
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between September 2014 and February 2019.
Recall Code:
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12/06/2020 - Audi
A4, A6, A8, TT
A4, A6, A8, TT
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Audi has been informed by its current supplier that driver-airbag gas generators from the original manufacturer Takata (‘NADI’ (non-azide driver inflator) generators) produced during 1997-1999 may be faulty. Internal investigations have shown that in the event of an accident the restraining effect of the deployed driver airbag might not always be fully guaranteed. Compliance with the statutory requirements in force for protection by an airbag in the event of an accident is thus not ensured. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*96/27*0051*, e1*93/81*0005*, e1*93/81*0013*, e1*98/14*0089*, e1*92/53*0002*; Types: 4B, D2, B5, 8N, 89
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 1997 and 1999.
Recall Code:
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05/02/2021 - Audi
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Check This Car for the following recall:
A fixing bracket on the curtain airbag module between the gas generator and the airbag may not be installed correctly. In the event of the airbag being deployed as part of a possible accident event, the airbag would not be filled correctly. As a result, it would not be possible to ensure a sufficient restraining effect for the user, increasing the risk of injuries.
Model Numbers:
e1*2001/116*0369*35-*36, e1*2007/46*1686 Typ: 8J
Production Dates:
From January 2020 to September 2020
Recall Code:
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19/11/2021 - Audi
A4, A4 Cabrio, A6, A8, TT
A4, A4 Cabrio, A6, A8, TT
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The functioning of the relevant NADI airbags manufactured by Takata, in particular the gas generator, may be impaired in the vehicles concerned due to the age of the device. In such cases, the protective function of the driver airbag may be reduced when the airbag is activated. The product does not comply with the requirements laid down in the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
A4 : E1*93/81*0013 E1*98/14*0013 audi DUO : E1*96/79*0079 RS4 : E1*97/27*0105 A4 cabrio E1 *92/53*002 E1*98/14*002 A6 : E1*96/27*0051 E1*98/14*0051 , A8 : E1*93/81*005 E1*98/14*005 audi TT : E1*97/27*0089 E1*98/14*0089
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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08/04/2022 - Audi
Q3, TT
Q3, TT
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Design engine covers installed on all affected vehicles could detach from their fixings depending on the conditions of use (e.g. very sporty driving, or poor road surfaces) and their age. A loose engine cover could come into contact with the hot area of the exhaust gas turbocharger, increasing the risk of burns or fire. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of Motor Vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
8J, F3, e1*2001/116*0369, e1*2007/46*1900
Production Dates:
19.11.2020 - 10.03.2022
Recall Code:
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