Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, CADILLAC, CTS

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Vehicle Type:
21/12/2018 - Cadillac
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Check This Car for the following recall:
In vehicles equipped with automatic activation of heated front seats on remote start, occupant pressure on the seat in the same location can over time damage the flexible heating mat inside the seat. In rare cases, this can cause high electrical resistance in the damaged area of the mat. As a consequence, areas of the seat subject to high electrical resistance may overheat and could lead to a fire when the vehicle is unattended.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval number: e13*2004/46*1422*00-04Type: A1LL
Production Dates:
Production: 2013 - 2016
Recall Code:
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23/10/2015 - Cadillac
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The fuel pump module electrical terminal may overheat which could create a hole allowing fuel to escape from the fuel pump module. This condition could lead to intermittent engine performance that could include stalling, increasing the risk of a crash.
Model Numbers:
2004-2007: single vehicle approval
Production Dates:
CTS-V: manufactured 6 October 2003 to 15 March 2007 STS-V: manufactured 23 June 2005 to 15 March 2007
Recall Code:
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17/10/2014 - Cadillac
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The vehicles concerned may have been built with an incomplete weld on the seat hook bracket assembly for either front seat. If the weld is incomplete and the assembly is exposed to a high load condition in a crash the hook may separate from the seat track, increasing the risk of occupant injury.
Model Numbers:
Type: A1SL and GMT166 (1), A1LL(2) Model: ATS 2013-14, CTS 2014. EC-Type approval number: (1) ATS 2013 (A1SL) e13*2007/46*1338*00 - Variant codes AAAA (RWD) and AABA (AWD); (2) ATS 2014 (GMT166) .....
Production Dates:
2013 and 2014 vehicles
Recall Code:
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29/08/2014 - Cadillac, Chevrolet
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The ignition key may unintentionally move away from the "run" position. If this occurs, engine power, power steering and power braking may be affected, increasing the risk of a crash. The timing of the key movement out of the "run" position, relative to the activation of the sensing algorithm of the crash event, may result in the airbags not deploying, increasing the potential for occupant injury in certain kinds of crashes.
Model Numbers:
types: GMX320, GMX322, GMT265, "N" Carmodels: CTS, SRX, DTS (Cadillac), Alero (Chevrolet);type-approval numbers: e13*2001/116*0086*01-*09 (CTS), e13*2001/116*0260*00-*03 and *05-*11 (CTS) , .....
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were manufactured between 2001 and 2014.
Recall Code:
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