Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, CHEVROLET, Spark
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Vehicle Type:
20/02/2015 - Chevrolet
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The bonnet striker secondary latch may suffer from a build-up of corrosion. Consequently, it may not return to the correct position when released. In such an event, and especially when the primary locking device is not engaged correctly, there is a possibility that the bonnet could open while the vehicle is being driven.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Production years: 2010 to 2015. Vehicles affected - VIN range: AC108343 ~ FC707483.
Recall Code:
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19/12/2014 - Chevrolet
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Vehicles may in some instances experience transmission mount failure, which may cause the transmission to drop. The torque transfer to the road wheels from the transmission will be lost due to driveshaft disconnection.
Model Numbers:
Model year 2013/14.
Production Dates:
Produced between 10 May 2013 and 12 December 2013. VIN range DC621940-EC498152.
Recall Code:
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28/02/2014 - Chevrolet
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Vehicles may experience transmission mount failure which could result in a loss of drive due to disconnection of the driveshaft. This could cause the driver of the vehicle to lose control.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
KL1MF4819DC626466 to KL1MF48D9DC638095. Vehicles built between 10/05/2013 and 07/07/2013.
Recall Code:
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17/01/2014 - Chevrolet
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The clutch pedal pivot may fail during normal use of vehicle. If the clutch pedal fails the vehicle will not be capable of changing gear.
Model Numbers:
M300 Spark (MY2010 - RHD only)
Production Dates:
Production dates 1/7/2009 - 16/9/2010 VIN range AC125313-AC239284
Recall Code:
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14/09/2012 - Chevrolet
Aveo /Kalos, Captiva, Epica/Tosca, Lacetti/Nubira/Optra, Matiz/Spark
Aveo /Kalos, Captiva, Epica/Tosca, Lacetti/Nubira/Optra, Matiz/Spark
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The affected vehicles may in some instances experience spongy brakes, increased brake pedal travel and in some cases reduced brake performance, caused by a valve sticking within the ABS module. These conditions may cause an accident, resulting in injuries to the passengers.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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