Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, CHRYSLER, Several models

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Vehicle Type:
15/02/2019 - Chrysler, Dodge, Dodge RAM, Jeep
Several models
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The fire extinguisher may be blocked or require excessive force to be activated. In case of fire, the user may not be able to trigger the fire extinguisher, increasing the risk of injuries. Furthermore, the nozzle of the fire extinguisher may shoot off with great force, risking injury to the person using it or to nearby persons.
Model Numbers:
Chrysler (Model, Code, Years):Cirrus (JS) 2007~2014Sebring (JS) 2007~2014Town and Country (RT) 2008~2016200 (UF) 2016~2017Pacifica (RU) 2017~2018, Chrysler (Model, Code, Years):PT Cruiser (PT) 2003~2006Concorde(LH)2004~2004300(LH)2004~2004Sebring (JR) 2004~2006Voyager (RG) 2004~2007300 (LX) 2005~2018300 (LE) 2006~2007, Dodge (Model, Code, Years):Dakota(ND)2006~2008Nitro(KA) 2007~2011Caliber (PM) 2007~2012Grand Caravan (RT) 2008~2016Challenger (LC) 2009~2014Journey (JC) 2010~2017Charger (LD) 20....., Dodge (Model, Code, Years):Durango (WD) 2011~2018Dart (PF) 2013~2013Viper (ZD) 2013~2017Challenger (LA) 2015~2018, Dodge (Model, Code, Years):Dakota(AN)2004~2004Intrepid(LH)2004~2004Neon(PL)2004~2005Stratus(JR)2004~2006Durango(HB)2004~2009Magnum(LX)2005~2018Charger(LX)2005~2018, Jeep (Model, Code, Years):Compass(MK)2007~2017Wrangler(JK)2007~2018Liberty(KK)2008~2012Commander(XK)2009~2009Grand Cherokee(WK)2009~2018Cherokee(KL)2014~2019Compass(M6)....., Jeep (Model, Code, Years):Compass(MP)2017~2018Wrangler(JL)2018~2018, Jeep (Model, Code, Years):Grand Cherokee(WG)2004~2004Wrangler(TJ)2004~2006Liberty(KJ)2004~2007Grand Cherokee(WH)2005~2009Commander(XH)2006~2009Patriot(MK)2007~2017, RAM (Model, Code, Years):1500/2500 Pickup (DR) 2004~20081500/2500 Pickup (DH) 2005~20083500 Pickup (D1) 2006~20091500 Pickup (DS) 2009~20182500 Pickup (DJ) 2010~20173500 Pickup (D2) 2....., RAM (Model, Code, Years):ProMaster (VF) 2018~2018
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 2003 and 2013.
Recall Code:
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