Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, HONDA, Jazz and Stream

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Vehicle Type:
12/06/2015 - Honda
Accord, Accord Tourer, Civic, CR-V, Jazz and Stream
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The passenger airbag inflator may produce excessive internal pressure if deployed. The increased pressure may cause the inflator to rupture propelling metal fragments causing injury to the vehicle occupants.
Model Numbers:
Accord 2004 - 2008 JHMCL76204C203891 -JHMCN27508C202421, Accord Tourer 2004 - 2008 JHMCL76204C203891 -JHMCN27508C202421, CR-V 2004-2005 SHSRD87604U207765 - SHSRD97606U128028, Civic 2004 - 2006 1HGEM21504L600408-1HGEM21504L600768, J, 1HGEM21505L600001 -1HGEM22905L600260, Civic 2004 - 2006 1HGEM21505L600001 -1HGEM22905L600260, Civic 2004 - 2006 JHMES45304S200523 - JHMCN27505C205159, Civic 2004 - 2006 NLAES65704W300001 - NLAES76406W930090, Jazz 2004 -2008 JHMGD17504S205055 - JHMGD57308S201153, Jazz 2004 -2008 LUCGE273063200001 - LUCGE377083208730, Steam 2004 - 2005 JHMRN17804S200003-JHMRN37505S200953
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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