Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, HYUNDAI, Santa Fe and ix55 Veracruz

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Vehicle Type:
24/05/2013 - Hyundai
Tucson, Accent, Santa Fe and ix55 Veracruz
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The brake light switch may malfunction. As a result the brake lights can either stop to operate after pressing the brake pedal or remain switched on after releasing the brake pedal.Depending on the equipment of the vehicle and as a result of the above mentioned malfunction, it is possible that the following systems can be affected:a)In vehicles with cruise control this can become inoperativeb)In vehicles with automatic transmission the swift lever can’t be moved from the parking (P) position andc) In vehicles with Electronic Stability Control System (ESC) this can become inoperative with the warning lamp «ESC OFF» switched on.
Model Numbers:
Models Tucson (JM), Accent (MC), Santa Fe (CM) and ix55 Veracruz (EN) (Recall Campaign HRE13-41-P140-JM MC CM EN)
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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