Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, JAGUAR, XF and F

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Vehicle Type:
14/11/2014 - Jaguar
XJ, XF and F
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
If the front end accessory drive belt or steering pump becomes loose or detaches, the vehicle may lose power. This will lead to difficulty in steering and could increase the risk of a road accident. If the battery cable fixing is loose, arching may occur and this could increase the risk of a fire under the bonnet.Incidents reported.
Model Numbers:
F-type: 3.0 L & 5 L, XF: 2.0 L, 2.2 L, 3.0 L & 5.0L, XJ: 2.0 L, 3.0L & 5.0L
Production Dates:
F-type: SAJXA6BU8F8K17144 to SAJWA6AT0F8K18826XF-type: SAJASC05T9FDU48674 to SAJAA05M8FPU54804XJ-type: SAJAJ22H5F8V76484 to SAJAA2687F8V78814
Recall Code:
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