Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, JAGUAR, XJ

Car Recall Check

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Vehicle Type:
01/02/2019 - Jaguar
F-Pace, F-Type, XJ
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The crankshaft pulley retaining bolt may fracture. As a consequence, the crankshaft nose could break leading to engine power loss and the potential for engine failure. Furthermore, the loose pulley could damage under bonnet components or puncture the bonnet and become a hazard to pedestrians or other road users.
Model Numbers:
F-PACE E11*2007/46*3324F-TYPE E11*2001/116*0272XJ E11*2007/46*0089
Production Dates:
Specific vehicles built between 12/10/2018 and 11/12/2018
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
24/11/2017 - Jaguar
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The TFT Instrument Cluster (digital speedometer) screen can go blank and reset intermittently. This may distract the driver and increase the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type Approval Numbers: XF - E11*2001/116*0323, XJ - E11*2007/46*0089, XE - E11*2007/46*2150, F-PACE - E11*2007/46*3324.
Production Dates:
Specific vehicles built between 01/09/2016 and 17/08/2017.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/07/2017 - Jaguar
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Check This Car for the following recall:
In the event of a frontal impact severe enough to require the deployment of the airbags, the airbags may deploy incorrectly and not provide the required protection for the occupants.One incident reported.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Vehicles built between 30/06/2009 and 22/08/2010.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
01/07/2016 - Jaguar
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Check This Car for the following recall:
In certain vehicles, the driver's airbags may not correctly inflate. This increases the risk of injuries to the driver in the event of a vehicle crash.
Model Numbers:
EC type approval number e11*2007/46*1659, e11*2007/46
Production Dates:
Vehicles produced from 2/5/16 - 3/6/16
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
09/01/2015 - Jaguar
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The underbody brake pipe unions may not be to the correct torque specification. This may result in reduced braking performance, loss of brake fluid and the non-activation of the brake pressure switch, preventing initial vehicle start-up and potentially causing a vehicle crash.
Model Numbers:
XJ Saloon
Production Dates:
Selected vehicles within VIN range: SAJAA20M9EPV67632 to SAJWA2GZ6F8V76050
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/11/2014 - Jaguar
XJ, XF and F
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Check This Car for the following recall:
If the front end accessory drive belt or steering pump becomes loose or detaches, the vehicle may lose power. This will lead to difficulty in steering and could increase the risk of a road accident. If the battery cable fixing is loose, arching may occur and this could increase the risk of a fire under the bonnet.Incidents reported.
Model Numbers:
F-type: 3.0 L & 5 L, XF: 2.0 L, 2.2 L, 3.0 L & 5.0L, XJ: 2.0 L, 3.0L & 5.0L
Production Dates:
F-type: SAJXA6BU8F8K17144 to SAJWA6AT0F8K18826XF-type: SAJASC05T9FDU48674 to SAJAA05M8FPU54804XJ-type: SAJAJ22H5F8V76484 to SAJAA2687F8V78814
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
20/06/2014 - Jaguar
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Check This Car for the following recall:
In the event of a vehicle being involved in a crash, the performance of the supplementary restraint system (SRS) may not be to specification and there will be an increased risk of injury to the vehicle occupants.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
VIN range SAJWJ1G76D8V37755 - SAJWJ2GD3D8V39216
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
25/09/2020 - Jaguar
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The Restraint Control Module (RCM) can be reverted to a default level calibration in case an update is unsuccessfully undertaken.As a result, the Supplementary Restraint System (SRS) may fail to correctly deploy the front airbags in the event of an accident, increasing the risk of an injury.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 29 June 2009 and 23 May 2019.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View