Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, JAGUAR, XJ and XF

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Vehicle Type:
25/03/2016 - Jaguar
XJ and XF
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The Front End Auxiliary Drive (FEAD) idler pulley may fail, leading to a loss of the FEAD system. This may cause warning lamp illumination, air conditioning failure, engine overheat warnings and reduced steering control, increasing the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Jaguar XJ and Jaguar XF (2013 to 2015 Model Year)
Production Dates:
Selected vehicles within VIN range: Jaguar XJ - SAJAA22M4DPV34128 to SAJAA20M0FPV90864 / Jaguar XF - SAJKC05M8DPS50936 to SAJWA0FS7FPU88784.Vehicles with a 2.0L GTDi engine are affected.
Recall Code:
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