Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, KIA, Carens

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Vehicle Type:
24/05/2013 - Kia
Sorento, Carens, Carnival, Soul, Sportage, Optima
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
A fault in the brake light switch may result in the brake light not coming on when the brake pedal is pressed or in the brake light remaining on. Moreover, in vehicles with automatic transmission it may not be possible to move the lever out of the ‘P’ position. The electronic stability control (ESC) may fail to operate, causing the ‘ESC OFF’ warning lamp on the dashboard to light up; if the cruise control is used, operating the brake pedal may not de-activate the speed control.
Model Numbers:
Types: AM, JC, XM, FG, MB, TF, JESModels: Sorento, Carens, Carnival, Soul, Sportage, OptimaType approval numbers: e4*2001/116*0133*, e9*98/14*0045*, e11*2007/116*0358*, e4*2001/116*0114*, e4*.....
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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