Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, LAND ROVER, Land Rover Freelander 2 and Range Rover Evoque

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Vehicle Type:
16/08/2013 - Land Rover, Range Rover
Land Rover Freelander 2 and Range Rover Evoque
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Diesel fuel can leak from the engine and pool in the cylinder head injector recess. If there is a sufficient volume of fuel in the recess, it is possible for the fuel to run onto the exhaust system which could lead to the risk of a fire. The fuel may also run on to the cylinder block and subsequently onto the ground presenting a skid hazard to other road users and increasing the risk of a crash. 17 vehicle fires have been reported.
Model Numbers:
Freelander 2 and Evoque 2.2L Diesel engine derivative vehicles
Production Dates:
SALFA2CC5CH283941 to SALFA2DC5DH366379SALVA1BC6CH639806 to SALVA2CE3DH816769
Recall Code:
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