Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, LOTUS, Exige

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Vehicle Type:
20/06/2014 - Lotus
Elise, Exige, 211 and Evora S
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The oil cooler pipes may detach from their fittings and deposit oil in the engine compartment and on the road/tyres which can lead to an increased risk of fire and loss of vehicle control.
Model Numbers:
Lotus Elise, Lotus Exige, Lotus 211 and Lotus Evora S
Production Dates:
Lotus Elise & Exige - SCCPA1111DHC82425 to SCCLNBBL8BHF12872. Vehicles built between 23/09/2004 and 17/01/2011. Lotus 211 - SCCLMDSC0BHG10907 to SCCLMDSU4BHC12883. Vehicles built between 16/05/.....
Recall Code:
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