Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, NISSAN, Almera

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Vehicle Type:
25/01/2019 - Nissan
Almera, Navara, Patrol, Teana,Terrano,Tino,X-Trail
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Check This Car for the following recall:
A defect in the gas generator of the passenger airbag causes uncontrolled inflation and the release of metal fragments when the airbag is activated. This can cause injury to the occupants of the vehicle.
Model Numbers:
Types: 0U, N16, T30, R20, V10, Y61 EC type-approvals: e13*2007/46*1128, e11*98/14*0129, e1*98/14*0166, e9*93/81*0015, e9*98/14*0035, e6*95/54*0051
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between 6 January 2004 and 28 November 2012.
Recall Code:
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27/10/2017 - Nissan
Navara, Almera, X-Trail, Terrano, Tino, Patrol
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
In the event of deployment of the passenger airbag, the inflator body of the airbag could shatter and release metal fragments into the vehicle cabin causing injuries to the occupants.
Model Numbers:
Navara (D22), Almera (N16), X-Trail (T30), Terrano II (R20), Tino (V10), Patrol (Y61)
Production Dates:
Production dates: (D22) 06/01/2004 to 02/03/2012, (N16) 04/01/2004 to 24/11/2006, (T30) 10/01/2004 to 28/11/2012, (R20) 12/01/2004 to 28/11/2006, (V10) 07/01/2004 to 21/11/2005, (Y61) 06/01/2004 .....
Recall Code:
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26/04/2013 - Nissan
Almera, Navara, Pathfinder, Patrol, Terrano II, Tino and XTrail
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The front passenger airbag inflators may have been manufactured out of specification. This could create excessive pressure within the inflator during airbag deployment and may result in separation of the airbag housing.
Model Numbers:
Almera (N16), Navara (D22), Pathfinder (R50), Patrol (Y61), Terrano II (R20), Tino (V10), XTrail (T30)
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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