Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, NISSAN, Juke

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Vehicle Type:
04/03/2016 - Nissan
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Check This Car for the following recall:
An incorrect calibration setting in the Engine Control Module (ECM) software may cause miscalculation of sulfur oxide (SOx) levels captured within the Lean NOx Trap (LNT) component of the exhaust’s Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). This miscalculation could, with extended operation under certain driving conditions, affect the purge process applied to remove SOx particles from the DPF-LNT. In this condition, the capacity of the DPF-LNT may become saturated and, as a result, the nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from the vehicle could exceed the permitted level.
Model Numbers:
2015 model year Nissan Juke F15 vehicles equipped with 1.5 Liter DCi (K9K) Euro6b+ engine, Type Approval No.: e11*2007/46*0132*21
Production Dates:
Vehicles produced from 28/05/2015 to 05/10/2015
Recall Code:
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10/07/2015 - Nissan
Note, Juke, Micra, Leaf and e-NV200
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The push engine start switch may remain in the pressed position and not return after switching the engine on. If the vehicle continues to be driven in this condition, the emergency engine stop function may operate and cause the engine to stop unexpectedly.
Model Numbers:
Juke (F15), Type Approval No.: e11*2007/46*0132*04, Leaf (ZE0), Type Approval No.: e11*2007*/46*0230*00, Micra (K13), Type Approval No.: e13*2007*/46*1111*00, Note (E12), Type Approval No.: e11*2007/46*0753*00, e-NV200 (ME0), Type Approval No.: e11*2007/46*1339*00
Production Dates:
The recall concerns E12 vehicles produced from 01/07/2013 to 03/03/2014, F15 vehicles produced from 26/06/2013 to 01/05/2014, K13 vehicles produced from 05/06/2013 to 16/03/2015, ZE0 vehicles pro.....
Recall Code:
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01/03/2013 - Nissan
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Check This Car for the following recall:
In the event that the driver's airbag is deployed during a frontal impact, small holes may appear on the surface of the airbag. The holes are caused by high temperature gas from the airbag inflator exhausting directly onto the surface of the airbag material. Contact of the high temperature gas / airbag material with the driver’s skin can cause burns.
Model Numbers:
Juke, F15. Type Approval No. e11*2007/46*0132.
Production Dates:
The recall concerns vehicles produced from 07/06/2012 to 04/07/2012
Recall Code:
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04/09/2020 - Nissan
Juke, Navara, Note, Pulsar, Qashqai
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The child lock on the rear doors could be defective.As a result, it might be possible to open the door even when the child lock is activated, increasing the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval number: Individual approval, Types: Pulsar (C13), Navara NP300 (D23), Note (E12), Juke (F15), Qashqai (J11)
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 28 September 2015 and 14 March 2018.
Recall Code:
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26/03/2021 - Nissan
Juke, e-NV200
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Due to an error in the driver's airbag folding process, the heat shield may not move fully into position around the inflator when the airbag is activated.Consequently, hot gas can directly contact the front panel of the airbag, causing burn damage to the bag material. As a result, the airbag may tear during inflation reducing its protective function.
Model Numbers:
Juke (e11*2007/46*0132), e-NV200 (e11*2007/46*1339).
Production Dates:
Juke (04/04/2019 to 30/05/2019), e-NV200 (23/04/2019 to 19/11/2019).
Recall Code:
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