Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, NISSAN, Note and Micra

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Vehicle Type:
05/02/2016 - Nissan
Note and Micra
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
As a result of a design change to the engine ignition coils fitted, the internal electrical components of the coil may short circuit resulting in an engine misfire. In the worst case, this short circuit may cause a fuse inside the Power Distribution Module (IPDM) to fail, stopping power to the ignition relay. This may cause the engine to stall.
Model Numbers:
Mote (E12) and Micra (K13)
Production Dates:
Production date Note from 06/08/2015 to 11/01/2016 and Micra from 09/07/2015 to 05/01/2016;
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
10/07/2015 - Nissan
Note and Micra
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
There is a possibility that the lower pinion needle bearing may have been omitted from the steering system during manufacture. If this is the case, the upper bearing would be overloaded and, if left in this condition, the pinion may disengage causing loss of steering control.
Model Numbers:
Note (E11) and Micra (K12)
Production Dates:
Production dates Micra (K12) from 27/06/2008 to 07/10/2008.Production dates Note (E11) from 27/06/2008 to 03/09/2008 Type approval no. Micra (K12): e11*2001/116*0195*16Type approval no. Note (E11): e11*2001/116*0268*16
Recall Code:
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