Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, PEUGEOT, EXPERT
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Vehicle Type:
26/01/2018 - Peugeot
Traveller, Expert
Traveller, Expert
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
A defect concerning a machined part of the engine could cause a loss of power. As a result the engine could stall or fail.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0532*03, e2*2007/46*0533*03
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 2 October 2017 and 23 November 2017
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
30/10/2015 - Peugeot
3008, 308, 5008, 508, 807, EXPERT, RCZ
3008, 308, 5008, 508, 807, EXPERT, RCZ
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
In the case of negative exterior temperatures, and after repeated activation of the fuel heater, an electric connection on the cover of the fuel heater can overheat. This can cause the cover to melt, allowing air to enter the fuel system which could lead to stalling of the engine and loss of control of the car.
Model Numbers:
Vehicles with 2.0L HDi diesel engine.
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were built between September 2012 and December 2014
Recall Code:
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26/12/2014 - Peugeot
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Fuel leakage at the junction between the fuel return pipe and the injectors on the engine, caused by progressive wear of the return pipe, can lead to the risk of fire.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0046*02; e2*2007/46*0046*03; e2*2007/46*0046*06; e2*2007/46*0046*07; e2*2007/46*0046*09; e2*2007/46*0046*10.VF3XU9HM0AZ04141 TO VF3XS9HHCFZ000267
Production Dates:
20/07/2010 to 24/04/2014
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
25/03/2022 - Peugeot
Expert, Traveller
Expert, Traveller
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Inadequate attachment of a wiring harness can lead to overheating of the rear window, increasing the risk of fire. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of Motor Vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
V , e2*2007/46*0532*00, e2*2007/46*0532*00, e2*2007/46*0532*02,
Production Dates:
26.11.2015 - 13.10.2016
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/08/2022 - Peugeot
Expert, Traveller
Expert, Traveller
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Steering box screws of the vehicle may have been improperly tightened, which can lead to a loss of steering control, increasing the risk of an accident. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
V, e2*2007/46*0532*18, e2*2007/46*0533*20
Production Dates:
2.03.2022 - 2.03.2022
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
23/09/2022 - Peugeot
Expert, Traveller, 208, 2008
Expert, Traveller, 208, 2008
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The high voltage wiring harness may be defective. This could result in an increased risk of fire. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0532*18, e2*2007/46*0533*20, e2*2007/46*0639*18
Production Dates:
17.03.2022 - 30.04.2022
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
23/09/2022 - Peugeot
Expert, Traveller
Expert, Traveller
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The rear brake may be defective, leading to reduced service brake performance, increasing the risk of an accident. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
V, e2*2007/46*0532*17, e2*2007/46*0533*19
Production Dates:
20.01.2022 - 28.01.2022
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
08/09/2023 - CITROEN, Fiat, Opel, Peugeot

Check This Car for the following recall:
A software error in the engine control unit prevents the malfunction indicator light (MIL) from switching on if the urea injector stops working. This can lead to higher emissions and poses a risk to the environment. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
SPACETOURER / JUMPY : e2*2007/46*0530*13 - 18 ; e2*2007/46*0531*17 - 21, TRAVELLER / EXPERT : e2*2007/46*0532*13 - 18 ; e2*2007/46*0533*18 - 21, ULYSSE / SCUDO : e2*2007/46*0532*17 - 18 ; e2*2007/46*0533*18 - 21, ZAFIRA / VIVARO : e2*2007/46*0532*14 - 18 ; e2*2007/46*0533*18 - 21
Production Dates:
SPACETOURER / JUMPY: 31/01/2020 - 11/07/2022TRAVELLER / EXPERT: 18/02/2020 - 11/07/2022ULYSSE / SCUDO: 29/09/2021 - 09/07/2022ZAFIRA/ VIVARO: 02/12/2020 - 09/07/2022
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View