Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car, RENAULT, Clio
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Vehicle Type:
13/04/2018 - Renault
Captur, Clio, Zoé
Captur, Clio, Zoé
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Cracks may form in the front wheel hub. The front wheel hub could consequently break leading to the front wheel become detached.
Model Numbers:
e2*2001/116*0327*83 et e2*2007/46*0251*10
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 22 September 2017 and 25 September 2017.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
13/04/2018 - Renault
Captur, Clio
Captur, Clio
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The dipped headlamp beams may face downwards as a result of the the headlamp beam height correction system not working. This would lead to reduced visibility for the driver at night.
Model Numbers:
e2*2001/116*0327*77 to e2*2001/116*0327*84e2*2007/46*0008*35 to e2*2007/46*0008*38e2*2001/116*0327*80 to e2*2001/116*0327*84
Production Dates:
Vehicles produced from the start of production until 23/10/2017.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
10/11/2017 - Renault
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The central pivot pin of the back structure of the rear bench-seat does not have sufficient mechanical strength. In the event of a violent front impact to the vehicle, heavy items of luggage in the boot could consequently be projected into the cabin causing injuries to the occupants.
Model Numbers:
e2*2001/116*32745 - 82
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured from 9 May 2012 to 11 July 2017 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
28/04/2017 - Renault
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The front windscreen wiper mechanism could stop working whilst driving.
Model Numbers:
e2*2001/116*0327*50 to 71
Production Dates:
Right hand drive vehicles are affected manufactured from the start of production until 18/04/2015 in Turkey and 11/06/2015 in France.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
03/02/2017 - Renault
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The front right brake caliper's clip could break as a result of the cylinder rupturing. This could reduce the efficiency of the vehicle’s braking system in the case of emergency braking.
Model Numbers:
Clio IV, e2*2001/116*0327*77 and e2*2007/46*0008*32
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 26/09/2016 and 10/10/2016 (Bursa), between 28/09/2016 and 05/10/2016 (Flins), between 03/10/2016 and 10/10/2016 (Togliatti).
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
23/12/2016 - Renault
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Check This Car for the following recall:
It is possible that two of the four anchoring screws on the front seats of the vehicle may be missing. In the event of impact or hard braking there is a risk of the front-seat anchorages breaking.
Model Numbers:
Clio RS (X98); e2*2001/116*0327*73
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were manufactured on 9 October 2015.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
16/12/2016 - Renault
Fluence, Mégane Génération, Clio
Fluence, Mégane Génération, Clio
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The screw for the right-hand and/or left-hand hub carrier on the rear axle may not have been tightened or tightened incorrectly. This could lead at high mileage to sudden displacement of the wheel.
Model Numbers:
e2*2001/116*0373*56, e2*2001/116*0327*75
Production Dates:
The vehicles concerned were manufactured from 1 to 17 February 2016.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
20/05/2016 - Renault
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The front wheel arch may be incorrectly installed. As a result, the brake hose may come into contact with the front wheel arch, causing wear of the brake hose by fretting. If the brake hose breaks and the brake fluid leaks out, the performance of braking could be compromised.
Model Numbers:
Clio IV
Production Dates:
e2*2001/116*0327; e2*2007/46*0008.The affected vehicles were manufactured from 15/04/2014 to 06/10/2014 in France and 05/03/2013 to 02/04/2015 in Turkey
Recall Code:
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04/03/2016 - Renault
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The upper part of the rear spoiler could detach whilst driving. Debris on the road could lead to other motorists losing control of their vehicles, causing accidents.
Model Numbers:
Clio IV GT and RS, e2*2001/116*0327
Production Dates:
Affected vehicles were manufactured from start of production to 9 November 2015.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/08/2014 - Renault
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Check This Car for the following recall:
There is a risk of aggression of the front flexible brake hose by the underwing plastic protectors (Clio IV) and/or a risk of escape of the hydraulic pistons from the rear drum brake cylinder (Clio IV Berlina). This could lead to a brake fluid leak and consequent loss of braking efficiency.
Model Numbers:
Clio IV
Production Dates:
e2*2001/116*0327*Production period: beginning ofproduction till 14/04/2014
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
06/03/2020 - Renault
Clio, Captur
Clio, Captur
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The positive terminal of the battery can come into contact with the heat sink on the alternator. This can lead to an electrical short circuit and to increased risk of fire in the engine compartment.
Model Numbers:
Model series: X98, X87 , Type-approval numbers: e2*2001/116*0327*87, e2*2001/116*0327*88, e2*2001/116*0327*89, e2*2007/46*0008*40, e2*2007/46*0008*41, e2*2007/46*0008*42
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured prior to 24 July 2019.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View