Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Van, CITROEN
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Vehicle Type:
23/06/2017 - CITROEN
Spacetourer, Jumpy IV
Spacetourer, Jumpy IV
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The pinion of the steering valve on the steering rack has been incorrectly fixed. This may lead to a loss of steering control.
Model Numbers:
Type-approvals: e2*2007/46*0530*01, e2*2007/46*0531*01; type: V;
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were manufactured between 19 July – 6 September 2016 (SPACETOURER) and 15 June – 5 September 2016 (JUMPY IV)
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
05/05/2017 - Citroën
C3III, C4 cactus, C4 Picasso II and C-Elysée
C3III, C4 cactus, C4 Picasso II and C-Elysée
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Check This Car for the following recall:
An internal component of an electric relay is faulty. As a consequence, the starter may not be activated, the starter control may be constantly blocked or the starter may operate unexpectedly. This could lead to unexpected movement of the vehicle or fire caused by damage to the starter due to overheating.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*003*44 (C3III); e2*2007/46*0440*05 (C4 cactus) e2*2007/46*0356*12 and e2*2007/46*0356*13 (C4 picasso II); e2*2007/46*0225*07 and e2*2007/46*0225*08 (C-Elysée)
Production Dates:
Vehicles affected were manufactured: 6.7.2016 to 11.10.2016 (C3III); 20.6.2016 to 15.9.2016 (C-Elysée); 27.6.2016 to 7.10.2016 (C4 cactus); 15.6.2016 to 2.9.2016 (C4 picasso II)
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
05/05/2017 - Citroën
C3III, C4 cactus, C4 Picasso II and C-Elysée
C3III, C4 cactus, C4 Picasso II and C-Elysée
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Check This Car for the following recall:
An internal component of an electric relay is faulty. As a consequence, the starter may not be activated, the starter control may be constantly blocked or the starter may operate unexpectedly. This could lead to unexpected movement of the vehicle or fire caused by damage to the starter due to overheating.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*003*44 (C3III); e2*2007/46*0440*05 (C4 cactus) e2*2007/46*0356*12 and e2*2007/46*0356*13 (C4 picasso II); e2*2007/46*0225*07 and e2*2007/46*0225*08 (C-Elysée)
Production Dates:
Vehicles affected were manufactured: 6.7.2016 to 11.10.2016 (C3III); 20.6.2016 to 15.9.2016 (C-Elysée); 27.6.2016 to 7.10.2016 (C4 cactus); 15.6.2016 to 2.9.2016 (C4 picasso II)
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
05/05/2017 - Citroën
C3III, C4 cactus, C4 Picasso II and C-Elysée
C3III, C4 cactus, C4 Picasso II and C-Elysée
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
An internal component of an electric relay is faulty. As a consequence, the starter may not be activated, the starter control may be constantly blocked or the starter may operate unexpectedly. This could lead to unexpected movement of the vehicle or fire caused by damage to the starter due to overheating.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*003*44 (C3III); e2*2007/46*0440*05 (C4 cactus) e2*2007/46*0356*12 and e2*2007/46*0356*13 (C4 picasso II); e2*2007/46*0225*07 and e2*2007/46*0225*08 (C-Elysée)
Production Dates:
Vehicles affected were manufactured: 6.7.2016 to 11.10.2016 (C3III); 20.6.2016 to 15.9.2016 (C-Elysée); 27.6.2016 to 7.10.2016 (C4 cactus); 15.6.2016 to 2.9.2016 (C4 picasso II)
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/04/2017 - Citroën
C4 Cactus, DS5, Berlingo
C4 Cactus, DS5, Berlingo
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Check This Car for the following recall:
A problem with a component of the gearbox actuator could prevent gear changing or cause the driver to change to the wrong gear. This could lead to the vehicle moving in the opposite direction to that intended by the driver.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0440*05 (C4 Cactus); e2*2007/46*0156*09 (DS5); e2*2001/116*0366*29; e2*2007/46*0002*04; e2*2007/46*0002*25 (Berlingo III).
Production Dates:
C4 Cactus: Manufactured between 26 April 2016 and 29 August 2016;Berlingo III: Manufactured between 28 April 2016 and 24 August 2016;DS5: Manufactured between 22/06/2016 and 16/08/2016.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/04/2017 - Citroën
C4 Cactus, DS5, Berlingo
C4 Cactus, DS5, Berlingo
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Check This Car for the following recall:
A problem with a component of the gearbox actuator could prevent gear changing or cause the driver to change to the wrong gear. This could lead to the vehicle moving in the opposite direction to that intended by the driver.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0440*05 (C4 Cactus); e2*2007/46*0156*09 (DS5); e2*2001/116*0366*29; e2*2007/46*0002*04; e2*2007/46*0002*25 (Berlingo III).
Production Dates:
C4 Cactus: Manufactured between 26 April 2016 and 29 August 2016;Berlingo III: Manufactured between 28 April 2016 and 24 August 2016;DS5: Manufactured between 22/06/2016 and 16/08/2016.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/04/2017 - Citroën
C4 Cactus, DS5, Berlingo
C4 Cactus, DS5, Berlingo
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Check This Car for the following recall:
A problem with a component of the gearbox actuator could prevent gear changing or cause the driver to change to the wrong gear. This could lead to the vehicle moving in the opposite direction to that intended by the driver.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0440*05 (C4 Cactus); e2*2007/46*0156*09 (DS5); e2*2001/116*0366*29; e2*2007/46*0002*04; e2*2007/46*0002*25 (Berlingo III).
Production Dates:
C4 Cactus: Manufactured between 26 April 2016 and 29 August 2016;Berlingo III: Manufactured between 28 April 2016 and 24 August 2016;DS5: Manufactured between 22/06/2016 and 16/08/2016.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
31/03/2017 - CITROEN
C4, DS4
C4, DS4
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The cable of the catch inside the bonnet may be insufficiently secured. As a result, the bonnet might open unexpectedly while the vehicle is in motion, which could cause an accident.
Model Numbers:
EC type-approvals: e2*2007/46*0040, e2*2007/46*0079, e24*2007/46*0027*00; types: N, N*5FL; sales description: C4, DS4
Production Dates:
The vehicles concerned were produced between 2009 and 2016
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
31/03/2017 - CITROEN
C4, DS4
C4, DS4
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The cable of the catch inside the bonnet may be insufficiently secured. As a result, the bonnet might open unexpectedly while the vehicle is in motion, which could cause an accident.
Model Numbers:
EC type-approvals: e2*2007/46*0040, e2*2007/46*0079, e24*2007/46*0027*00; types: N, N*5FL; sales description: C4, DS4
Production Dates:
The vehicles concerned were produced between 2009 and 2016
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
31/03/2017 - Citroën
C3 Picasso
C3 Picasso
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The right-hand front-seat airbag may contain a faulty activator device. In the event of a side impact, the airbag would not deploy.
Model Numbers:
e2*2001/116*0371*28, e2*2001/116*0371*29, e2*2007/46*0110*11
Production Dates:
Manufactured between 8/09/2016 and 14/10/2016
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
10/03/2017 - Citroën
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Some tightening torques, including on the connection between the steering and the wheel pivot, may be incorrect. This could lead to excessive play in the steering and difficulty in controlling the vehicle's course.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0092*14, e2*2007/46*0092*15, e2*2007/46*0092*16, e2*2007/46*0093*10, e2*2007/46*0093*12, e2*2007/46*0156*09, e2*2007/46*0156*11
Production Dates:
Manufactured between 12/05/2016 and 31/10/2016.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
03/03/2017 - Citroën
Spacetourer and Jumpy
Spacetourer and Jumpy
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Some seals for the bodywork are missing. As a result, water could enter the passenger compartment and cause the airbag control module to malfunction, which could lead to the airbag being deployed unexpectedly.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0530*00, e2*2007/46*0530*01, e2*2007/46*0530*02,e2*2007/46*0531*00, e2*2007/46*0531*01, e2*2007/46*0531*02, e2*2007/46*0531*03
Production Dates:
Spacetourer: manufactured between 02/02/2016 and 29/09/2016.Jumpy IV: manufactured between 25/01/2016 and 29/09/2016.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View