Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Van, CITROEN
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Vehicle Type:
12/02/2010 - Citroen
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because there is a possibility that the accelerator pedal mechanism may, in rare instances, mechanically stick in a partially depressed position or return slowly to the idle position.
Model Numbers:
Model C1, equipped with the MAP gear-box. See attached list of VIN numbers of the vehicles concerned

Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
12/02/2010 - Citroën
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because it is possible that the headlights may deactivate when not required.
Model Numbers:
Vehicles manufactured between 2006 and 2009 are affected:C3: VF7FC8HZB28779493 to VF7FRKFVC29119309Type: F*HFX* e2*98/14*0256*..Type: F*KFV* e2*98/14*0257*..Type: F*NFU* e2*98/14*0258*..Type: F*8HX* e2*98/14*0259*..Type: F*8HY* e2*98/14*0261*..Type: F*KFU* e2*2001/116*0289*..Type: F*8HZ* e2*2001/116*0317*..Type: F*9HX* e2*2001/116*0318*..Type: F*9HZ* e2*2001/116*0329*..C2: VF7JG8HZC97425595 to VF7JMNFU97536203Type: J*HFX* e2*2001/116*0283*..Type: J*KFV* e2*2001/116*0284*..Type: J*NFU* e2*2001/116*0285*..Type: J*8HX* e2*2001/116*0286*..Type: J*NFS* e2*2001/116*0309*..Type: J*8HZ* e2*2001/116*0316*..Type: J*9HZ* e2*2001/116*0339*..Type: J*KFU* e2*2001/116*0344*..C3 Pluriel: VF7HB8HZC28036886 to VF7HBNFUC8E500020Type: H***** e2*2001/116*0266*..C8: VF7EA4HTH13353043 to VF7EBRHRH13376919Type: E***** e2*98/14*0254*..Jumpy: VF7ATTENT64006762 to VF7XWRHKH64154556Type: X***** e2*2001/116*0350*..
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
12/02/2010 - Citroen
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because there is a possibility that the accelerator pedal mechanism may, in rare instances, mechanically stick in a partially depressed position or return slowly to the idle position.
Model Numbers:
Model C1, equipped with the MAP gear-box. See attached list of VIN numbers of the vehicles concerned

Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
12/02/2010 - Citroën
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because it is possible that the headlights may deactivate when not required.
Model Numbers:
Vehicles manufactured between 2006 and 2009 are affected:C3: VF7FC8HZB28779493 to VF7FRKFVC29119309Type: F*HFX* e2*98/14*0256*..Type: F*KFV* e2*98/14*0257*..Type: F*NFU* e2*98/14*0258*..Type: F*8HX* e2*98/14*0259*..Type: F*8HY* e2*98/14*0261*..Type: F*KFU* e2*2001/116*0289*..Type: F*8HZ* e2*2001/116*0317*..Type: F*9HX* e2*2001/116*0318*..Type: F*9HZ* e2*2001/116*0329*..C2: VF7JG8HZC97425595 to VF7JMNFU97536203Type: J*HFX* e2*2001/116*0283*..Type: J*KFV* e2*2001/116*0284*..Type: J*NFU* e2*2001/116*0285*..Type: J*8HX* e2*2001/116*0286*..Type: J*NFS* e2*2001/116*0309*..Type: J*8HZ* e2*2001/116*0316*..Type: J*9HZ* e2*2001/116*0339*..Type: J*KFU* e2*2001/116*0344*..C3 Pluriel: VF7HB8HZC28036886 to VF7HBNFUC8E500020Type: H***** e2*2001/116*0266*..C8: VF7EA4HTH13353043 to VF7EBRHRH13376919Type: E***** e2*98/14*0254*..Jumpy: VF7ATTENT64006762 to VF7XWRHKH64154556Type: X***** e2*2001/116*0350*..
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
12/02/2010 - Citroën
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because it is possible that the headlights may deactivate when not required.
Model Numbers:
Vehicles manufactured between 2006 and 2009 are affected:C3: VF7FC8HZB28779493 to VF7FRKFVC29119309Type: F*HFX* e2*98/14*0256*..Type: F*KFV* e2*98/14*0257*..Type: F*NFU* e2*98/14*0258*..Type: F*8HX* e2*98/14*0259*..Type: F*8HY* e2*98/14*0261*..Type: F*KFU* e2*2001/116*0289*..Type: F*8HZ* e2*2001/116*0317*..Type: F*9HX* e2*2001/116*0318*..Type: F*9HZ* e2*2001/116*0329*..C2: VF7JG8HZC97425595 to VF7JMNFU97536203Type: J*HFX* e2*2001/116*0283*..Type: J*KFV* e2*2001/116*0284*..Type: J*NFU* e2*2001/116*0285*..Type: J*8HX* e2*2001/116*0286*..Type: J*NFS* e2*2001/116*0309*..Type: J*8HZ* e2*2001/116*0316*..Type: J*9HZ* e2*2001/116*0339*..Type: J*KFU* e2*2001/116*0344*..C3 Pluriel: VF7HB8HZC28036886 to VF7HBNFUC8E500020Type: H***** e2*2001/116*0266*..C8: VF7EA4HTH13353043 to VF7EBRHRH13376919Type: E***** e2*98/14*0254*..Jumpy: VF7ATTENT64006762 to VF7XWRHKH64154556Type: X***** e2*2001/116*0350*..
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
12/02/2010 - Citroen
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because there is a possibility that the accelerator pedal mechanism may, in rare instances, mechanically stick in a partially depressed position or return slowly to the idle position.
Model Numbers:
Model C1, equipped with the MAP gear-box. See attached list of VIN numbers of the vehicles concerned

Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
12/02/2010 - Citroën
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because it is possible that the headlights may deactivate when not required.
Model Numbers:
Vehicles manufactured between 2006 and 2009 are affected:C3: VF7FC8HZB28779493 to VF7FRKFVC29119309Type: F*HFX* e2*98/14*0256*..Type: F*KFV* e2*98/14*0257*..Type: F*NFU* e2*98/14*0258*..Type: F*8HX* e2*98/14*0259*..Type: F*8HY* e2*98/14*0261*..Type: F*KFU* e2*2001/116*0289*..Type: F*8HZ* e2*2001/116*0317*..Type: F*9HX* e2*2001/116*0318*..Type: F*9HZ* e2*2001/116*0329*..C2: VF7JG8HZC97425595 to VF7JMNFU97536203Type: J*HFX* e2*2001/116*0283*..Type: J*KFV* e2*2001/116*0284*..Type: J*NFU* e2*2001/116*0285*..Type: J*8HX* e2*2001/116*0286*..Type: J*NFS* e2*2001/116*0309*..Type: J*8HZ* e2*2001/116*0316*..Type: J*9HZ* e2*2001/116*0339*..Type: J*KFU* e2*2001/116*0344*..C3 Pluriel: VF7HB8HZC28036886 to VF7HBNFUC8E500020Type: H***** e2*2001/116*0266*..C8: VF7EA4HTH13353043 to VF7EBRHRH13376919Type: E***** e2*98/14*0254*..Jumpy: VF7ATTENT64006762 to VF7XWRHKH64154556Type: X***** e2*2001/116*0350*..
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
12/02/2010 - Citroen
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because there is a possibility that the accelerator pedal mechanism may, in rare instances, mechanically stick in a partially depressed position or return slowly to the idle position.
Model Numbers:
Model C1, equipped with the MAP gear-box. See attached list of VIN numbers of the vehicles concerned

Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
12/02/2010 - Citroën
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because it is possible that the headlights may deactivate when not required.
Model Numbers:
Vehicles manufactured between 2006 and 2009 are affected:C3: VF7FC8HZB28779493 to VF7FRKFVC29119309Type: F*HFX* e2*98/14*0256*..Type: F*KFV* e2*98/14*0257*..Type: F*NFU* e2*98/14*0258*..Type: F*8HX* e2*98/14*0259*..Type: F*8HY* e2*98/14*0261*..Type: F*KFU* e2*2001/116*0289*..Type: F*8HZ* e2*2001/116*0317*..Type: F*9HX* e2*2001/116*0318*..Type: F*9HZ* e2*2001/116*0329*..C2: VF7JG8HZC97425595 to VF7JMNFU97536203Type: J*HFX* e2*2001/116*0283*..Type: J*KFV* e2*2001/116*0284*..Type: J*NFU* e2*2001/116*0285*..Type: J*8HX* e2*2001/116*0286*..Type: J*NFS* e2*2001/116*0309*..Type: J*8HZ* e2*2001/116*0316*..Type: J*9HZ* e2*2001/116*0339*..Type: J*KFU* e2*2001/116*0344*..C3 Pluriel: VF7HB8HZC28036886 to VF7HBNFUC8E500020Type: H***** e2*2001/116*0266*..C8: VF7EA4HTH13353043 to VF7EBRHRH13376919Type: E***** e2*98/14*0254*..Jumpy: VF7ATTENT64006762 to VF7XWRHKH64154556Type: X***** e2*2001/116*0350*..
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
12/02/2010 - Citroen
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because there is a possibility that the accelerator pedal mechanism may, in rare instances, mechanically stick in a partially depressed position or return slowly to the idle position.
Model Numbers:
Model C1, equipped with the MAP gear-box. See attached list of VIN numbers of the vehicles concerned

Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
12/02/2010 - Citroën
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because it is possible that the headlights may deactivate when not required.
Model Numbers:
Vehicles manufactured between 2006 and 2009 are affected:C3: VF7FC8HZB28779493 to VF7FRKFVC29119309Type: F*HFX* e2*98/14*0256*..Type: F*KFV* e2*98/14*0257*..Type: F*NFU* e2*98/14*0258*..Type: F*8HX* e2*98/14*0259*..Type: F*8HY* e2*98/14*0261*..Type: F*KFU* e2*2001/116*0289*..Type: F*8HZ* e2*2001/116*0317*..Type: F*9HX* e2*2001/116*0318*..Type: F*9HZ* e2*2001/116*0329*..C2: VF7JG8HZC97425595 to VF7JMNFU97536203Type: J*HFX* e2*2001/116*0283*..Type: J*KFV* e2*2001/116*0284*..Type: J*NFU* e2*2001/116*0285*..Type: J*8HX* e2*2001/116*0286*..Type: J*NFS* e2*2001/116*0309*..Type: J*8HZ* e2*2001/116*0316*..Type: J*9HZ* e2*2001/116*0339*..Type: J*KFU* e2*2001/116*0344*..C3 Pluriel: VF7HB8HZC28036886 to VF7HBNFUC8E500020Type: H***** e2*2001/116*0266*..C8: VF7EA4HTH13353043 to VF7EBRHRH13376919Type: E***** e2*98/14*0254*..Jumpy: VF7ATTENT64006762 to VF7XWRHKH64154556Type: X***** e2*2001/116*0350*..
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
11/09/2009 - CITROEN
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because the heat shield mounting for the spare wheel cage may be damaged by vibrations when the vehicle is used over a long period. As a result, part of the shield may become detached and fall on to the road, leading to an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type 7*****, EC type approval e2*2001/116*0366*
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View