Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Van, MERCEDES- BENZ

Car Recall Check

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Vehicle Type:
29/03/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Inadequate instructions for retrofitting a tow hitch could lead to the fastening screws on the cross bar being damaged. As a consequence, the screw connection could fail and the tow hitch may detach from the vehicle, increasing the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval number: e9*2007/46*6531; Type: 4701
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 24/04/2017 and 19/12/2018.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
29/03/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Inadequate instructions for retrofitting a tow hitch could lead to the fastening screws on the cross bar being damaged. As a consequence, the screw connection could fail and the tow hitch may detach from the vehicle, increasing the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval number: e9*2007/46*6531; Type: 4701
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 24/04/2017 and 19/12/2018.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/03/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
Sprinter 906 facelift
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Failure of the glow plug relay may result in an electrical short circuit and in overheating of the component. Overheating can result in smouldering of the relay, increasing the risk of fire.
Model Numbers:
*0311*, *0312*, *1075*, *1076*, Type Approval Numbers e1*2001/116*0353*, *0354*, *0424*e1*2007/46*0279*, *0280*, *0294*, *0295*, *0296*, *0297*, *0298*, *0299*, *0300*, *0301*, *0304*, *0305*, *0307*, *0308*, *0309*, *0310*,
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 01 July 2013 and 31 July 2018
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/03/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Possible lack of welding on certain seams and insufficient durability of chassis components in the rear axle region of vehicles with air suspension. This can impair driving stability, leading to an increased risk of accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0300*15, *16, e1*2007/46*0301*17;Types: 906 BA 35, 906 BB 35
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between September 2018 and December 2018.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/03/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Trailer couplings may develop cracks when operated under load. This could lead to the trailer becoming detached during travel, leading to an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0301*, e1*2007/46*0296*; Types: 906 BB 35, 906 BB 50
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 29 August 2018 and 29 November 2018.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
08/03/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
Actros, Arocs, Econic
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The adapter plate for fastening the non-skid snow-chain unit may break. This could result in the loss of the entire snow-chain unit, thus increasing the risk of injuries or an accident for following traffic.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0726*, 0727*, 0732*, 0733*, 1222*, 1223*; types according to type data sheet: 963-0-A, 963-4-A, 963-0-C, 963-4-D, NGE-L62N, NGE-L42
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were produced between 25 April 2012 and 30 November 2017.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
08/03/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
Actros, Arocs, Econic
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The adapter plate for fastening the non-skid snow-chain unit may break. This could result in the loss of the entire snow-chain unit, thus increasing the risk of injuries or an accident for following traffic.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0726*, 0727*, 0732*, 0733*, 1222*, 1223*; types according to type data sheet: 963-0-A, 963-4-A, 963-0-C, 963-4-D, NGE-L62N, NGE-L42
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were produced between 25 April 2012 and 30 November 2017.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
08/03/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
Actros, Arocs, Econic
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The adapter plate for fastening the non-skid snow-chain unit may break. This could result in the loss of the entire snow-chain unit, thus increasing the risk of injuries or an accident for following traffic.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0726*, 0727*, 0732*, 0733*, 1222*, 1223*; types according to type data sheet: 963-0-A, 963-4-A, 963-0-C, 963-4-D, NGE-L62N, NGE-L42
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were produced between 25 April 2012 and 30 November 2017.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
01/03/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The rear spoiler may not have been produced according to specifications. The upper part of the rear spoiler may consequently become detached and drop onto the road, posing a risk to following traffic.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval number: e1*2007/46*1885*00 to 01; Type: H1GLE
Production Dates:
The affected vehicles were manufactured between 1 January 2018 and 20 December 2018.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/02/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
A-class, B-class, CLA and GLB
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Check This Car for the following recall:
A bolt in the locking mechanism of the articulated trailer coupling is defective. It could break while a trailer is being towed and consequently the trailer could detach, thus increasing the risk of an accident for following traffic.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*1829*00 to 04, e1*2007/46*1909*00types: F2A, F2B
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were produced between 14.2.2018 and 9.12.2018.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/02/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
A-class, B-class, CLA and GLB
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Check This Car for the following recall:
A bolt in the locking mechanism of the articulated trailer coupling is defective. It could break while a trailer is being towed and consequently the trailer could detach, thus increasing the risk of an accident for following traffic.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*1829*00 to 04, e1*2007/46*1909*00types: F2A, F2B
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were produced between 14.2.2018 and 9.12.2018.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/02/2019 - Mercedes-Benz
A-class, B-class, CLA and GLB
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
A bolt in the locking mechanism of the articulated trailer coupling is defective. It could break while a trailer is being towed and consequently the trailer could detach, thus increasing the risk of an accident for following traffic.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*1829*00 to 04, e1*2007/46*1909*00types: F2A, F2B
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were produced between 14.2.2018 and 9.12.2018.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View