Car Recall Check: Recalls , Quad, RENAULT

Car Recall Check

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Vehicle Type:
22/11/2024 - Renault
Check This Car for the following recall:
Due to excessive side play, the rooftop bed can slide forward, deforming a corner and creating a risk of fall and injuries for people using the bed. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
09.05.2022 - 23.05.2022
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/11/2024 - Renault
Renault / DUSTER III
Check This Car for the following recall:
A decoupling of the R107 connector, which may not have been secured properly at the factory can cause a loss of electrical connection between the engine and driver's cabin wiring. As a result, drivers may experience a loss of traction, reduced steering assistance, and malfunctioning airbags, parking sensors, and brakes. This can increase the risk of accidents and injuries. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
09.11.2023 - 11.07.2024
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
01/11/2024 - Renault
Master III
Renault / Master III
Check This Car for the following recall:
The fuel line is too close to the wiring harness, which can cause the fuel line to rub against the wires and wear out. This can lead to fuel leaking under the car, creating a risk of fire. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0023, e2*2007/46*0024, e2*2007/46*0026, e2*2007/46*0028, e2*2007/46*0052, e2*2007/46*0053, e2*2007/46*0054
Production Dates:
23.09.2014 - 27.09.2023
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
09/08/2024 - Renault
Renault / MASTER III
Check This Car for the following recall:
The diesel fuel line is too close to the wiring harness, which can cause the fuel line to rub against the wires and wear out. This can lead to fuel leaking under the car, creating a risk of fire. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles nor with the United Nation Regulation 154.
Model Numbers:
TR*2007/46*8177, TR*2007/46*8200, e2*2007/46*0016*01, *02, *13, *14 and *22 to *55, e2*2007/46*0017*00 and *10 to *34, e2*2007/46*0019*00, *01 and *18 to *47, e2*2007/46*0020*15 to 20, *22 to *26, *28 to *38, e2*2007/46*0021*14, e2*2007/46*0048*09, *12, *16, *20, *22 to *28, *31, *32, *34, *36 and *37, e2*2007/46*0049*00 to *02, *04 to *06, *11, *17, *20 to *49, e2*2007/46*0050*01, *15 to *26, *28 to *40, e2*2007/46*0050*15 to 26, 28 to 39
Production Dates:
23.09.2014 - 27.09.2023
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
28/06/2024 - Renault
Trafic III Spacenomad
Renault / Trafic III Spacenomad
Check This Car for the following recall:
The rooftop bed can slide forward, deforming a corner and creating a risk of fall and injuries for people using the bed. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
05.04.2022 - 05.05.2023
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
07/06/2024 - Renault
Master III
Renault / Master III
Check This Car for the following recall:
Due to an inappropriate assembly process, the central fixing screw or the locking bolt of the reduction unit support can break, leading to the loss of one of the engine suspension points. This can result in the loss of vehicle power and steering assistance, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0663, e2*2018/858*00006
Production Dates:
29.07.2020 - 16.06.2023
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/04/2024 - Renault
Renault / MASTER III E-Tech
Check This Car for the following recall:
The central fixing screw or the indexing pin may be faulty. This can lead to a loss of the engine suspension points, a loss of vehicle's power, a loss of steering assistance. This increases the risk of accidents and injuries. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0348*03 to *07, e2*2007/46*0740*00 to *05, e2*NIV18/858*225562, e2*NIV18/858*225564
Production Dates:
29.07.2020 - 16.06.2023
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/04/2024 - Renault
Renault / MASTER III E-Tech
Check This Car for the following recall:
The central fixing screw or the indexing pin may be faulty. This can lead to a loss of the engine suspension points, a loss of vehicle's power, a loss of steering assistance. This increases the risk of accidents and injuries. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0348*03 to *07, e2*2007/46*0740*00 to *05, e2*NIV18/858*225562, e2*NIV18/858*225564
Production Dates:
29.07.2020 - 16.06.2023
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/04/2024 - Renault
Renault / MASTER III E-Tech
Check This Car for the following recall:
The central fixing screw or the indexing pin may be faulty. This can lead to a loss of the engine suspension points, a loss of vehicle's power, a loss of steering assistance. This increases the risk of accidents and injuries. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0348*03 to *07, e2*2007/46*0740*00 to *05, e2*NIV18/858*225562, e2*NIV18/858*225564
Production Dates:
29.07.2020 - 16.06.2023
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/04/2024 - Renault
Renault / MASTER III E-Tech
Check This Car for the following recall:
The central fixing screw or the indexing pin may be faulty. This can lead to a loss of the engine suspension points, a loss of vehicle's power, a loss of steering assistance. This increases the risk of accidents and injuries. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0348*03 to *07, e2*2007/46*0740*00 to *05, e2*NIV18/858*225562, e2*NIV18/858*225564
Production Dates:
29.07.2020 - 16.06.2023
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
05/04/2024 - Renault
Check This Car for the following recall:
Pressure regulator valves can be absent, that can lead to a short-circuit in the traction battery, creating a risk of fire. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0348*07 (MAEVA), e2*2007/46*0740*02, e2*2007/46*0740*04 (MAEVB)
Production Dates:
20/06/2022 - 02/05/2023
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
05/04/2024 - Renault
Check This Car for the following recall:
Pressure regulator valves can be absent, that can lead to a short-circuit in the traction battery, creating a risk of fire. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles.
Model Numbers:
e2*2007/46*0348*07 (MAEVA), e2*2007/46*0740*02, e2*2007/46*0740*04 (MAEVB)
Production Dates:
20/06/2022 - 02/05/2023
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View