Car Recall Check
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Vehicle Type:
07/08/2015 - Continental
Conti Hybrid LS3
Conti Hybrid LS3
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The inner layer of the tyre can push through the steel cord and against the tread. The tyre can thus deflate in a sudden way with an adverse effect on driving stability. This increases the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type: 205/75R17,5EC type: E4 0028179 / E4 025676S2R2
Production Dates:
Tyres manufactured between 2014 and 2015 are affected, specifically those with the following codes: DOTHW96F7T9 and week codes 2714 to 2615.
Recall Code:
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09/08/2013 - Hercules
All Trac A/T
All Trac A/T
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Tyres may experience in-service belt and tread separations, which are more likely to occur in warmer climates and after a tyre has been in service for approximately one to two years. The vehicle user could experience reduced control of their vehicle.
Model Numbers:
LT215/85R16 115/112S E, LT225/75R16 115/112S E, LT235/85R16 120/116S E, LT245/75R16 120/116S E, LT245/75R17 121/118S E, LT265/70R17 121/118S E, LT265/75R16 123/120S E
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
09/08/2013 - Hercules
All Trac A/T
All Trac A/T
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Tyres may experience in-service belt and tread separations, which are more likely to occur in warmer climates and after a tyre has been in service for approximately one to two years. The vehicle user could experience reduced control of their vehicle.
Model Numbers:
LT215/85R16 115/112S E, LT225/75R16 115/112S E, LT235/85R16 120/116S E, LT245/75R16 120/116S E, LT245/75R17 121/118S E, LT265/70R17 121/118S E, LT265/75R16 123/120S E
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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31/07/2009 - HANKOOK

Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because of the too low pressure, which may lead to cracks in the side wall of the tyre. If the tyre with cracks is used, it may lead to vibration and damage to the vehicle.
Model Numbers:
Model Radial RA08; sizes and codes: 185/75R16 08 RA08, 2X VFJM 1308 ~ 2309 205/75R16 10 RA08, 2X VDJM 1608 ~ 2309 205/75R16 08 RA08, 2X VDJM 1408 ~ 2309 215/75R16 10 RA08, 2X W8JM 4408 ~ 2309 215/75R16 08 RA08, 2X W8JM 1408 ~ 2309.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
31/07/2009 - HANKOOK

Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because of the too low pressure, which may lead to cracks in the side wall of the tyre. If the tyre with cracks is used, it may lead to vibration and damage to the vehicle.
Model Numbers:
Model Radial RA08; sizes and codes: 185/75R16 08 RA08, 2X VFJM 1308 ~ 2309 205/75R16 10 RA08, 2X VDJM 1608 ~ 2309 205/75R16 08 RA08, 2X VDJM 1408 ~ 2309 215/75R16 10 RA08, 2X W8JM 4408 ~ 2309 215/75R16 08 RA08, 2X W8JM 1408 ~ 2309.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
31/07/2009 - HANKOOK

Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because of the too low pressure, which may lead to cracks in the side wall of the tyre. If the tyre with cracks is used, it may lead to vibration and damage to the vehicle.
Model Numbers:
Model Radial RA08; sizes and codes: 185/75R16 08 RA08, 2X VFJM 1308 ~ 2309 205/75R16 10 RA08, 2X VDJM 1608 ~ 2309 205/75R16 08 RA08, 2X VDJM 1408 ~ 2309 215/75R16 10 RA08, 2X W8JM 4408 ~ 2309 215/75R16 08 RA08, 2X W8JM 1408 ~ 2309.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
31/07/2009 - HANKOOK

Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because of the too low pressure, which may lead to cracks in the side wall of the tyre. If the tyre with cracks is used, it may lead to vibration and damage to the vehicle.
Model Numbers:
Model Radial RA08; sizes and codes: 185/75R16 08 RA08, 2X VFJM 1308 ~ 2309 205/75R16 10 RA08, 2X VDJM 1608 ~ 2309 205/75R16 08 RA08, 2X VDJM 1408 ~ 2309 215/75R16 10 RA08, 2X W8JM 4408 ~ 2309 215/75R16 08 RA08, 2X W8JM 1408 ~ 2309.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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