Car Recall Check: Recalls , Motorcycle, HONDA
Car Recall Check
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Vehicle Type:
29/01/2016 - Honda
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The rubber seal of the coupler between the main wire harness and the engine sub-harness may have been damaged during assembly. As a result, water could enter the coupler. If water enters the coupler, it could, in the worst case, cause the engine to stall.
Model Numbers:
NSS125ADF (E, ED, EDF, EDHN, EDIT, EDPO, EDSP, EDSW) and NSS125DF (ED, EDPO); EU Type Approval number: e4*2002/24*3136*00.
Production Dates:
Year model: 2015. Production period: from 09th March to 15th May 2015
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/01/2016 - Honda
VFR1200F/FD and VFR1200X/XD
VFR1200F/FD and VFR1200X/XD
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The drive shaft universal joint bearing may not have been properly assembled and, even if properly assembled, may not be sufficiently durable as a result of manufacturing errors. As a consequence, the universal joint may, in the worst case, break and interfere with the swing arm causing the rear wheel to lock-up. This may result in a crash.
Model Numbers:
VFR1200F/FD (Model code: SC63 and SC71) and VFR1200X/XD (Model code: SC70).
Production Dates:
Production period: 02/03/2010 - 02/09/2015.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/01/2016 - Honda
VFR1200F/FD and VFR1200X/XD
VFR1200F/FD and VFR1200X/XD
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The drive shaft universal joint bearing may not have been properly assembled and, even if properly assembled, may not be sufficiently durable as a result of manufacturing errors. As a consequence, the universal joint may, in the worst case, break and interfere with the swing arm causing the rear wheel to lock-up. This may result in a crash.
Model Numbers:
VFR1200F/FD (Model code: SC63 and SC71) and VFR1200X/XD (Model code: SC70).
Production Dates:
Production period: 02/03/2010 - 02/09/2015.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/01/2016 - Honda
VFR1200F/FD and VFR1200X/XD
VFR1200F/FD and VFR1200X/XD
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The drive shaft universal joint bearing may not have been properly assembled and, even if properly assembled, may not be sufficiently durable as a result of manufacturing errors. As a consequence, the universal joint may, in the worst case, break and interfere with the swing arm causing the rear wheel to lock-up. This may result in a crash.
Model Numbers:
VFR1200F/FD (Model code: SC63 and SC71) and VFR1200X/XD (Model code: SC70).
Production Dates:
Production period: 02/03/2010 - 02/09/2015.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/01/2016 - Honda
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to excess internal pressure, inflation of the driver airbag can cause the inflator to split and release metal fragments which can cause injury to the vehicle passengers.
Model Numbers:
Types: CF8, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG5, CG6, CH3, CH4, CM5, EM2, EN2, ES9, ES1, ES2, RD6, RD7, YH1, YH2,YD1, RL1, YF1, YF2, YK1
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 2000 and 2011 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/01/2016 - Honda
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to excess internal pressure, inflation of the driver airbag can cause the inflator to split and release metal fragments which can cause injury to the vehicle passengers.
Model Numbers:
Types: CF8, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG5, CG6, CH3, CH4, CM5, EM2, EN2, ES9, ES1, ES2, RD6, RD7, YH1, YH2,YD1, RL1, YF1, YF2, YK1
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 2000 and 2011 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/01/2016 - Honda
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to excess internal pressure, inflation of the driver airbag can cause the inflator to split and release metal fragments which can cause injury to the vehicle passengers.
Model Numbers:
Types: CF8, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG5, CG6, CH3, CH4, CM5, EM2, EN2, ES9, ES1, ES2, RD6, RD7, YH1, YH2,YD1, RL1, YF1, YF2, YK1
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 2000 and 2011 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/01/2016 - Honda
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to excess internal pressure, inflation of the driver airbag can cause the inflator to split and release metal fragments which can cause injury to the vehicle passengers.
Model Numbers:
Types: CF8, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG5, CG6, CH3, CH4, CM5, EM2, EN2, ES9, ES1, ES2, RD6, RD7, YH1, YH2,YD1, RL1, YF1, YF2, YK1
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 2000 and 2011 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/01/2016 - Honda
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to excess internal pressure, inflation of the driver airbag can cause the inflator to split and release metal fragments which can cause injury to the vehicle passengers.
Model Numbers:
Types: CF8, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG5, CG6, CH3, CH4, CM5, EM2, EN2, ES9, ES1, ES2, RD6, RD7, YH1, YH2,YD1, RL1, YF1, YF2, YK1
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 2000 and 2011 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/01/2016 - Honda
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to excess internal pressure, inflation of the driver airbag can cause the inflator to split and release metal fragments which can cause injury to the vehicle passengers.
Model Numbers:
Types: CF8, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG5, CG6, CH3, CH4, CM5, EM2, EN2, ES9, ES1, ES2, RD6, RD7, YH1, YH2,YD1, RL1, YF1, YF2, YK1
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 2000 and 2011 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/01/2016 - Honda
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to excess internal pressure, inflation of the driver airbag can cause the inflator to split and release metal fragments which can cause injury to the vehicle passengers.
Model Numbers:
Types: CF8, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG5, CG6, CH3, CH4, CM5, EM2, EN2, ES9, ES1, ES2, RD6, RD7, YH1, YH2,YD1, RL1, YF1, YF2, YK1
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 2000 and 2011 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/01/2016 - Honda
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, MDX, Odyssey, Pilot, Ridgeline
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to excess internal pressure, inflation of the driver airbag can cause the inflator to split and release metal fragments which can cause injury to the vehicle passengers.
Model Numbers:
Types: CF8, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG5, CG6, CH3, CH4, CM5, EM2, EN2, ES9, ES1, ES2, RD6, RD7, YH1, YH2,YD1, RL1, YF1, YF2, YK1
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 2000 and 2011 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View