Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car
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Vehicle Type:
11/04/2008 - OPEL
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of fire because the upper oil pressure switch releases engine oil onto the heat protection shield of the exhaust pipe which might cause it to self-ignite, thus causing the risk of a thermal incident.
Model Numbers:
models ASTRA G/H
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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28/03/2008 - VOLKSWAGEN
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of fire as transition resistance may be unacceptably high in the earth connection of the heating element of the additional air heater. This may cause overheating in this cable's connection area, damage resulting from excessive temperatures and, in the worst case scenario, it could set the vehicle on fire.
Model Numbers:
JETTA and GOLF VARIANT (type 1K2/1K5)
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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21/03/2008 - VOLVO
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because the power steering hose may get in conflict with the engine cooling fan. This concern is due to an insufficient retaining clip. The insufficient basic design regarding fixation of the power steering hose enables it to come in direct contact with the rotating fan. The subsequent chafing on the hose will result in a sudden drainage of servo oil in the system and a loss of servo assistance. Since this will appear suddenly and without any relevant warnings to the driver, combined with the type of vehicle concerned, this condition poses an unreasonable risk to motor vehicle safety.
Model Numbers:
Passengers’ cars, model XC90 diesel
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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21/03/2008 - LAND ROVER
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries due to possible loss of the glass panel of the sunroof.Failure of either the left-side or right-side sunroof guide rail could cause the sunroof to become detached from its operating mechanism and bind. There might be a cracking noise if this condition occurs. If it does occur, the sunroof glass panel will remain attached to its frame, but further attempts to operate it will result in continued noise and abnormal operation due to the binding condition. If a vertical force is applied (for example, if the user is manually aiding the sunroof to close, or wind lift) the glass panel can become fully detached from the vehicle.
Model Numbers:
Passengers’ cars, model Freelander 2/LR2 (program number P009).
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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14/03/2008 - VOLVO
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries due to an internal leakage in the brake master cylinder. If affected, the driver may experience reduced performance when applying and maintaining force on the brake pedal.Over time the capacity to brake will gradually deteriorate, forcing the driver to put more force on the brake pedal compared to when braking with an intact brake system. The deterioration will eventually result in a complete loss of the brake system function.
Model Numbers:
Passenger cars, models C30, C70, S40 and V50.VIN numbers :- C30 :0010877-0019184 - C70: 0022371-0023734 - S40: 0297302-0305575 - V50: 0314140-0321961
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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14/03/2008 - VOLVO
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries due to an internal leakage in the brake master cylinder. If affected, the driver may experience reduced performance when applying and maintaining force on the brake pedal.Over time the capacity to brake will gradually deteriorate, forcing the driver to put more force on the brake pedal compared to when braking with an intact brake system. The deterioration will eventually result in a complete loss of the brake system function.
Model Numbers:
Passenger cars, models C30, C70, S40 and V50.VIN numbers :- C30 :0010877-0019184 - C70: 0022371-0023734 - S40: 0297302-0305575 - V50: 0314140-0321961
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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14/03/2008 - VOLVO
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries due to an internal leakage in the brake master cylinder. If affected, the driver may experience reduced performance when applying and maintaining force on the brake pedal.Over time the capacity to brake will gradually deteriorate, forcing the driver to put more force on the brake pedal compared to when braking with an intact brake system. The deterioration will eventually result in a complete loss of the brake system function.
Model Numbers:
Passenger cars, models C30, C70, S40 and V50.VIN numbers :- C30 :0010877-0019184 - C70: 0022371-0023734 - S40: 0297302-0305575 - V50: 0314140-0321961
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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14/03/2008 - VOLVO
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries due to an internal leakage in the brake master cylinder. If affected, the driver may experience reduced performance when applying and maintaining force on the brake pedal.Over time the capacity to brake will gradually deteriorate, forcing the driver to put more force on the brake pedal compared to when braking with an intact brake system. The deterioration will eventually result in a complete loss of the brake system function.
Model Numbers:
Passenger cars, models C30, C70, S40 and V50.VIN numbers :- C30 :0010877-0019184 - C70: 0022371-0023734 - S40: 0297302-0305575 - V50: 0314140-0321961
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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14/03/2008 - VOLVO
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries due to an internal leakage in the brake master cylinder. If affected, the driver may experience reduced performance when applying and maintaining force on the brake pedal.Over time the capacity to brake will gradually deteriorate, forcing the driver to put more force on the brake pedal compared to when braking with an intact brake system. The deterioration will eventually result in a complete loss of the brake system function.
Model Numbers:
Passenger cars, models C30, C70, S40 and V50.VIN numbers :- C30 :0010877-0019184 - C70: 0022371-0023734 - S40: 0297302-0305575 - V50: 0314140-0321961
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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14/03/2008 - VOLVO
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries due to an internal leakage in the brake master cylinder. If affected, the driver may experience reduced performance when applying and maintaining force on the brake pedal.Over time the capacity to brake will gradually deteriorate, forcing the driver to put more force on the brake pedal compared to when braking with an intact brake system. The deterioration will eventually result in a complete loss of the brake system function.
Model Numbers:
Passenger cars, models C30, C70, S40 and V50.VIN numbers :- C30 :0010877-0019184 - C70: 0022371-0023734 - S40: 0297302-0305575 - V50: 0314140-0321961
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/03/2008 - VOLVO
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries due to an internal leakage in the brake master cylinder. If affected, the driver may experience reduced performance when applying and maintaining force on the brake pedal.Over time the capacity to brake will gradually deteriorate, forcing the driver to put more force on the brake pedal compared to when braking with an intact brake system. The deterioration will eventually result in a complete loss of the brake system function.
Model Numbers:
Passenger cars, models C30, C70, S40 and V50.VIN numbers :- C30 :0010877-0019184 - C70: 0022371-0023734 - S40: 0297302-0305575 - V50: 0314140-0321961
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/03/2008 - VOLVO
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries due to an internal leakage in the brake master cylinder. If affected, the driver may experience reduced performance when applying and maintaining force on the brake pedal.Over time the capacity to brake will gradually deteriorate, forcing the driver to put more force on the brake pedal compared to when braking with an intact brake system. The deterioration will eventually result in a complete loss of the brake system function.
Model Numbers:
Passenger cars, models C30, C70, S40 and V50.VIN numbers :- C30 :0010877-0019184 - C70: 0022371-0023734 - S40: 0297302-0305575 - V50: 0314140-0321961
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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