Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car
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Vehicle Type:
18/08/2006 - BMW
BMW Series 5, 6, 7
BMW Series 5, 6, 7
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Check This Car for the following recall:
In some of the above-mentioned vehicles, the vulcanised connection of the lower rubber mount to the metal sleeve of the rear damper may possibly be insufficient. This can lead to the rubber mount becoming separated from the damper, causing lose of control of the vehicle.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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11/08/2006 - Alfa Romeo
Alfa Romeo
Alfa Romeo
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Check This Car for the following recall:
In some of the above-mentioned vehicles, the VDC System cannot recognize the spare wheel, due to its different size from the normal wheels. As a result the ABS does not function in a case of accident.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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11/08/2006 - Toyota
Toyota Yaris, Yaris Verso, Prius
Toyota Yaris, Yaris Verso, Prius
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Due to loss of control of the vehicle, the product poses a risk of accident. Given the improper moulding of the resin body of the crankshaft position sensor installed on the engine block, engine oil may penetrate the seal and enter the sensor wiring connector. In this condition, engine oil inside the sensor wiring connector could cause expansion due to the heat of the engine and could deform the sensor wiring connector. In the worst case, the connector may become disconnected, which could cause the engine to stall while driving and not be able to be restarted.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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11/08/2006 - Toyota
Toyota Yaris, Yaris Verso, Prius
Toyota Yaris, Yaris Verso, Prius
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Due to loss of control of the vehicle, the product poses a risk of accident. Given the improper moulding of the resin body of the crankshaft position sensor installed on the engine block, engine oil may penetrate the seal and enter the sensor wiring connector. In this condition, engine oil inside the sensor wiring connector could cause expansion due to the heat of the engine and could deform the sensor wiring connector. In the worst case, the connector may become disconnected, which could cause the engine to stall while driving and not be able to be restarted.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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11/08/2006 - Toyota
Toyota Yaris, Yaris Verso, Prius
Toyota Yaris, Yaris Verso, Prius
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Due to loss of control of the vehicle, the product poses a risk of accident. Given the improper moulding of the resin body of the crankshaft position sensor installed on the engine block, engine oil may penetrate the seal and enter the sensor wiring connector. In this condition, engine oil inside the sensor wiring connector could cause expansion due to the heat of the engine and could deform the sensor wiring connector. In the worst case, the connector may become disconnected, which could cause the engine to stall while driving and not be able to be restarted.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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11/08/2006 - Toyota
Toyota Land Cruiser 120
Toyota Land Cruiser 120

Check This Car for the following recall:
After the original brake fluid in the vehicle in question is replaced, the rear seal of the main brake pump can shift, leading to a small leakage of fluid. If the leak persists, the brake pedal may feel spongy when pressed and the brake indicator light will come on.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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04/08/2006 - Mercedes-Benz

Check This Car for the following recall:
In some model SLR MACLAREN vehicles, the design and construction of the alternator and its insufficient cooling, can cause it to reach temperatures outside the specified range. As a consequence the alternator may overheat and, in individual cases, produce smoke and flames.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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27/07/2006 - Toyota
Toyota Corolla Verso
Toyota Corolla Verso
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Check This Car for the following recall:
These cars pose a risk of injuries.Due to incorrect programming of the electronic control unit (ECU), the seat-belt pre-tensioner for the right side of vehicle is disabled instead of the passenger’s airbag in the affected vehicles when the “airbag manual on-off system” is turned off. This poses a risk of injuries for the co-passenger due to non-function of the seat-belt pre-tensioner.
Model Numbers:
Corolla Verso
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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27/07/2006 - Land Rover

Check This Car for the following recall:
The gearbox may fail to lock when the gearshift lever is put into the parking position “P”, which could lead to the vehicle moving if the handbrake is not activated.In the case of the Discovery 3, in addition to this defect, the vehicle is equipped with xenon headlights without the system of automatic dynamic height control that is required by law.The rolling away of the vehicle when in the parking position may lead to collisions with other vehicles or pedestrians and cause traffic accidents. The lack of automatic dynamic height control for the xenon headlights of the Discovery 3 could reduce visibility for the driver or blind other vehicles, thereby increasing the risk of accidents.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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21/07/2006 - Isuzu

Check This Car for the following recall:
When the vehicle is used continually and the seal breaks, losing its ability to lubricate, the front-suspension lower ball joint may wear over time and possibly fracture in the strut area. In the worst case, the front-suspension lower control arm may become loose, making steering more difficult.
Model Numbers:
NKR 130.35
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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30/06/2006 - Chevrolet
Chevrolet Nexia and Espero
Chevrolet Nexia and Espero
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Check This Car for the following recall:
It is possible that the buckles of the front seatbelts may not close properly, owing to a design fault in one of the components inside the buckle. This means that the retention mechanism of the front seatbelt buckle may not work properly.
Model Numbers:
Espero serial numbers 102171 to 990453 inclusive, Nexia serial numbers 000001 to 793829 inclusive
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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16/06/2006 - Toyota
Toyota Lexus
Toyota Lexus

Check This Car for the following recall:
In the notified vehicles a small loss of brake fluid from the back of the brake cylinder may occur. If the leak continues, the warning light on the dashboard will illuminate and the brake pedal will feel spongy when depressed. However, an accident could result from the loss of brake fluid, irrespectively of whether or not the driver had been warned by the dashboard light.
Model Numbers:
Lexus RX 300, Lexus RX 330
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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