Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car

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Vehicle Type:
02/02/2007 - SUZUKI
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injury because under specific conditions, namely during a very slow or soft brake pedal operation, one of brake circuit might be non-functional due to a contamination of the brake fluid. Soft or slow operation of brake pedal is a specific condition but not an unusual one: especially when we drive a care in a high speed, a soft push of the break pedal can reduce the speed of the car, so as to – for example – make a turn with the proper speed. If the car does not slow down, it could deviate from its ordinary route, causing an accident or forcing the car to go off the road.The basic brake function can be securely obtained by normal and emergency operation on brake pedal.
Model Numbers:
Passenger car Suzuki SWIFT 1.3 (RS 413). The corrective action concerns model year 2006 vehicles, with the following chassis numbers: TSMMZA11S00156142, TSMMZA11S00156157, TSMMZC11S00155678, TSMMZC11S00155833,SMMZC11S00155916, TSMMZC11S00156238, TSMMZC11S00156313.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
02/02/2007 - LANCIA
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Check This Car for the following recall:
There is a possibility of failure of ancillary equipment pulley on the drive shaft, which may result in a possible damage of this specific part. If this occurs, the normal function of the motor will be affected, leading to possible loss of control of vehicle.
Model Numbers:
Musa and Ypsilon models with 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4 8V and 16V motorMUSA: from 1035909 to 1060522 (individual chassis: 1012041 – 1027911 – 1031639 – 1033501 – 1034625);YPSILON: from 2153766 to 3053778.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
02/02/2007 - SUZUKI
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injury because under specific conditions, namely during a very slow or soft brake pedal operation, one of brake circuit might be non-functional due to a contamination of the brake fluid. Soft or slow operation of brake pedal is a specific condition but not an unusual one: especially when we drive a care in a high speed, a soft push of the break pedal can reduce the speed of the car, so as to – for example – make a turn with the proper speed. If the car does not slow down, it could deviate from its ordinary route, causing an accident or forcing the car to go off the road.The basic brake function can be securely obtained by normal and emergency operation on brake pedal.
Model Numbers:
Passenger car Suzuki SWIFT 1.3 (RS 413). The corrective action concerns model year 2006 vehicles, with the following chassis numbers: TSMMZA11S00156142, TSMMZA11S00156157, TSMMZC11S00155678, TSMMZC11S00155833,SMMZC11S00155916, TSMMZC11S00156238, TSMMZC11S00156313.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
02/02/2007 - SUZUKI
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injury because under specific conditions, namely during a very slow or soft brake pedal operation, one of brake circuit might be non-functional due to a contamination of the brake fluid. Soft or slow operation of brake pedal is a specific condition but not an unusual one: especially when we drive a care in a high speed, a soft push of the break pedal can reduce the speed of the car, so as to – for example – make a turn with the proper speed. If the car does not slow down, it could deviate from its ordinary route, causing an accident or forcing the car to go off the road.The basic brake function can be securely obtained by normal and emergency operation on brake pedal.
Model Numbers:
Passenger car Suzuki SWIFT 1.3 (RS 413). The corrective action concerns model year 2006 vehicles, with the following chassis numbers: TSMMZA11S00156142, TSMMZA11S00156157, TSMMZC11S00155678, TSMMZC11S00155833,SMMZC11S00155916, TSMMZC11S00156238, TSMMZC11S00156313.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
02/02/2007 - LANCIA
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Check This Car for the following recall:
There is a possibility of failure of ancillary equipment pulley on the drive shaft, which may result in a possible damage of this specific part. If this occurs, the normal function of the motor will be affected, leading to possible loss of control of vehicle.
Model Numbers:
Musa and Ypsilon models with 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4 8V and 16V motorMUSA: from 1035909 to 1060522 (individual chassis: 1012041 – 1027911 – 1031639 – 1033501 – 1034625);YPSILON: from 2153766 to 3053778.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
02/02/2007 - SUZUKI
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injury because under specific conditions, namely during a very slow or soft brake pedal operation, one of brake circuit might be non-functional due to a contamination of the brake fluid. Soft or slow operation of brake pedal is a specific condition but not an unusual one: especially when we drive a care in a high speed, a soft push of the break pedal can reduce the speed of the car, so as to – for example – make a turn with the proper speed. If the car does not slow down, it could deviate from its ordinary route, causing an accident or forcing the car to go off the road.The basic brake function can be securely obtained by normal and emergency operation on brake pedal.
Model Numbers:
Passenger car Suzuki SWIFT 1.3 (RS 413). The corrective action concerns model year 2006 vehicles, with the following chassis numbers: TSMMZA11S00156142, TSMMZA11S00156157, TSMMZC11S00155678, TSMMZC11S00155833,SMMZC11S00155916, TSMMZC11S00156238, TSMMZC11S00156313.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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26/01/2007 - DaimlerChrysler.
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The products posea serious risk of fire due to an accidental earthing of starter cable. Starter lead assembly is possibly fitted too near the exhaust manifold, thus melting of insulation and fire cannot be completely ruled out.
Model Numbers:
VITO, VIANO. EC type approval e9*2001/116*0048*.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/01/2007 - OPEL.
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a serious risk of injury because for some vehicles, there is a possibility that the brake pedal push rod might detach. This results in the loss of the braking function by the brake pedal.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/01/2007 - DaimlerChrysler.
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The products posea serious risk of fire due to an accidental earthing of starter cable. Starter lead assembly is possibly fitted too near the exhaust manifold, thus melting of insulation and fire cannot be completely ruled out.
Model Numbers:
VITO, VIANO. EC type approval e9*2001/116*0048*.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/01/2007 - VOLVO.
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a serious risk of fire because a short circuit on the printed circuit board of the electrical PTC additional heater, which is set into the centre console behind the radio, can make the PTC element overheat and cause a smouldering fire.
Model Numbers:
Cars with diesel engines sold under the description S80. Type A, EC type approval e9*2001/116*0057*01 – 03.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/01/2007 - OPEL.
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a serious risk of injury because for some vehicles, there is a possibility that the brake pedal push rod might detach. This results in the loss of the braking function by the brake pedal.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/01/2007 - Daimler Chrysler.
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a serious risk of injury because the preproduction wheel flanges are not strong enough and thus may split. The preproduction wheel flange may break, possibly leading to the detachment of the front wheel.
Model Numbers:
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter. Vehicle Identification Numbers: WDB 906XXX XS100681 - XS101022 and 906XXX XN300649 - XN302402.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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