Car Recall Check: Recalls , Passenger Car

Car Recall Check

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Vehicle Type:
19/01/2007 - VW – Volkswagen
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The following problem was found on Passat vehicles. Thermal strain on the front fuel-cooler support could cause it to break. As a result of the support breaking, diesel fuel could leak out and the cooler could shear off and be lost.
Model Numbers:
Vehicle type 3C, EC type-approval 1*2001/116*0307*.It concerns vehicles from the production period March 2005 till August 2006 in the following chassis number ranges:WVW ZZZ 3C Z 5 P 000 238 - 003 189WVW ZZZ 3C Z 6 E 000 057 - 246 222WVW ZZZ 3C Z 6 P 000 013 - 226 966WVW ZZZ 3C Z 6 Z 000 019 - 000 255WVW ZZZ 3C Z 6 9 000 001 - 000 353WVW ZZZ 3C Z 7 E 000 003 - 052 030WVW ZZZ 3C Z 7 P 000 001 - 036 002WVW ZZZ 3C Z 7 Z 000 076 - 000 302WVW ZZZ 3C Z 7 9 000 001 - 000 014.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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19/01/2007 - Daimler Chrysler
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The differential locks may not connect or may disconnect again without the switch being operated. In extreme circumstances, one or more differential locks could be activated without the switch being operated. This could modify the direction and traction of the vehicle.A modification in the vehicle's direction and traction could cause a road traffic accident
Model Numbers:
Mercedes Benz class G with following numbers:WDB4633401X168159,WDB4633401X168353,WDB4633401X168411,WDB4633401x168572,WDB4633411X168592
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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19/01/2007 - Mitsubishi
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injury because the backrest locking mechanism in the second row of seats is not strong enough and may fail in a rear-end collision.
Model Numbers:
Mitsubishi Grandis 7-seater. The affected vehicles were produced in 2006 and have VINs from JMALJNA8W6Z001699 to JMBLRNA4W6Z001727.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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19/01/2007 - VW – Volkswagen
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The following problem was found on Passat vehicles. Thermal strain on the front fuel-cooler support could cause it to break. As a result of the support breaking, diesel fuel could leak out and the cooler could shear off and be lost.
Model Numbers:
Vehicle type 3C, EC type-approval 1*2001/116*0307*.It concerns vehicles from the production period March 2005 till August 2006 in the following chassis number ranges:WVW ZZZ 3C Z 5 P 000 238 - 003 189WVW ZZZ 3C Z 6 E 000 057 - 246 222WVW ZZZ 3C Z 6 P 000 013 - 226 966WVW ZZZ 3C Z 6 Z 000 019 - 000 255WVW ZZZ 3C Z 6 9 000 001 - 000 353WVW ZZZ 3C Z 7 E 000 003 - 052 030WVW ZZZ 3C Z 7 P 000 001 - 036 002WVW ZZZ 3C Z 7 Z 000 076 - 000 302WVW ZZZ 3C Z 7 9 000 001 - 000 014.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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24/11/2006 - Fiat
FIAT Stilo passenger car
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of accident and injury because the front axle springs can break, come in contact with and damage the tyres. Road salt deposits on the spring plate can cause severe corrosion and fracture the spring. The broken spring may touch the tyres and damage them.Some cases of damage to the vehicle have been reported.
Model Numbers:
Stilo, type 192
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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24/11/2006 - Honda
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The Electronic Power Steering (EPS) control unit can, in some cases, switch to fail safe mode while driving due to detection of abnormal current within the EPS control unit. If this occurs, there will be a sudden loss of power assistance and the driver will notice that the steering becomes very heavy without warning. The sudden loss of power assistance could lead to an accident and injury.
Model Numbers:
CIVIC 4 door, CIVIC 5 door
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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24/11/2006 - Jeep
Jeep /
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of fire because the front seat electric heating elements may overheat and cause an interior fire.
Model Numbers:
Grand Cherokee WG, Grand Cherokee WJ
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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17/11/2006 - Chevrolet
Fuel Feeding Pump in Chevrolet cars
Chevrolet / Fuel Feeding Pump in Chevrolet cars
Check This Car for the following recall:
One incident, during the NCAP (New Car Assessment Program) test.On some AVEO vehicles, fuel feed tubes and fuse blocks may fracture during a severe frontal crash event what may cause fuel pump to continue to operate after the crash.
Model Numbers:
AVEO T250 1.4lt
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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10/11/2006 - Peugeot
Peugeot /
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injury. The possible loss of gear selection where it is not possible to engage the gear may lead to breakdown of vehicle or loss of control of the vehicle.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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10/11/2006 - BMW
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injury because in high-use vehicles, the oscillation fracture can progress so far as to lead to steering lock cam fracture. This normally happens when the vehicle is started, so it cannot be driven. In exceptional cases, the vehicle can be started and the vibration caused by the subsequent movement can cause the steering lock disk to shift into the lock position, immobilising the steering. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that a failure occurs while driving, leading to critical situations and accidents.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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10/11/2006 - Peugeot
Peugeot /
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injury. The possible loss of gear selection where it is not possible to engage the gear may lead to breakdown of vehicle or loss of control of the vehicle.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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10/11/2006 - BMW
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injury because in high-use vehicles, the oscillation fracture can progress so far as to lead to steering lock cam fracture. This normally happens when the vehicle is started, so it cannot be driven. In exceptional cases, the vehicle can be started and the vibration caused by the subsequent movement can cause the steering lock disk to shift into the lock position, immobilising the steering. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that a failure occurs while driving, leading to critical situations and accidents.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
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