Car Recall Check: Recalls , Vans, DAIMLER CHRYSLER

Car Recall Check

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Vehicle Type:
20/04/2007 - Daimler Chrysler
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Check This Car for the following recall:
On the starter cable assembly, it is possible for a cable to become detached from the end lug. This leaves the vehicle without electrical current, and the engine cuts out. In the worst case a short circuit with sparking can occur, as a result of which fire cannot be completely ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Mercedes-Benz, Sprinter with 3.0 litre V6-CDI engine ABE (general operating permits) L763, L764, L765, L766. It concerns vehicles built between 27 November 2006 and 8 December 2006. VIN-rangeWDB906XXXXS134310 - WDB906XXXXS145646.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
20/04/2007 - Daimler Chrysler
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
On the starter cable assembly, it is possible for a cable to become detached from the end lug. This leaves the vehicle without electrical current, and the engine cuts out. In the worst case a short circuit with sparking can occur, as a result of which fire cannot be completely ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Mercedes-Benz, Sprinter with 3.0 litre V6-CDI engine ABE (general operating permits) L763, L764, L765, L766. It concerns vehicles built between 27 November 2006 and 8 December 2006. VIN-rangeWDB906XXXXS134310 - WDB906XXXXS145646.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
20/04/2007 - Daimler Chrysler
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
On the starter cable assembly, it is possible for a cable to become detached from the end lug. This leaves the vehicle without electrical current, and the engine cuts out. In the worst case a short circuit with sparking can occur, as a result of which fire cannot be completely ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Mercedes-Benz, Sprinter with 3.0 litre V6-CDI engine ABE (general operating permits) L763, L764, L765, L766. It concerns vehicles built between 27 November 2006 and 8 December 2006. VIN-rangeWDB906XXXXS134310 - WDB906XXXXS145646.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
20/04/2007 - Daimler Chrysler
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
On the starter cable assembly, it is possible for a cable to become detached from the end lug. This leaves the vehicle without electrical current, and the engine cuts out. In the worst case a short circuit with sparking can occur, as a result of which fire cannot be completely ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Mercedes-Benz, Sprinter with 3.0 litre V6-CDI engine ABE (general operating permits) L763, L764, L765, L766. It concerns vehicles built between 27 November 2006 and 8 December 2006. VIN-rangeWDB906XXXXS134310 - WDB906XXXXS145646.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
20/04/2007 - Daimler Chrysler
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
On the starter cable assembly, it is possible for a cable to become detached from the end lug. This leaves the vehicle without electrical current, and the engine cuts out. In the worst case a short circuit with sparking can occur, as a result of which fire cannot be completely ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Mercedes-Benz, Sprinter with 3.0 litre V6-CDI engine ABE (general operating permits) L763, L764, L765, L766. It concerns vehicles built between 27 November 2006 and 8 December 2006. VIN-rangeWDB906XXXXS134310 - WDB906XXXXS145646.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
20/04/2007 - Daimler Chrysler
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
On the starter cable assembly, it is possible for a cable to become detached from the end lug. This leaves the vehicle without electrical current, and the engine cuts out. In the worst case a short circuit with sparking can occur, as a result of which fire cannot be completely ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Mercedes-Benz, Sprinter with 3.0 litre V6-CDI engine ABE (general operating permits) L763, L764, L765, L766. It concerns vehicles built between 27 November 2006 and 8 December 2006. VIN-rangeWDB906XXXXS134310 - WDB906XXXXS145646.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
20/04/2007 - Daimler Chrysler
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
On the starter cable assembly, it is possible for a cable to become detached from the end lug. This leaves the vehicle without electrical current, and the engine cuts out. In the worst case a short circuit with sparking can occur, as a result of which fire cannot be completely ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Mercedes-Benz, Sprinter with 3.0 litre V6-CDI engine ABE (general operating permits) L763, L764, L765, L766. It concerns vehicles built between 27 November 2006 and 8 December 2006. VIN-rangeWDB906XXXXS134310 - WDB906XXXXS145646.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
20/04/2007 - Daimler Chrysler
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
On the starter cable assembly, it is possible for a cable to become detached from the end lug. This leaves the vehicle without electrical current, and the engine cuts out. In the worst case a short circuit with sparking can occur, as a result of which fire cannot be completely ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Mercedes-Benz, Sprinter with 3.0 litre V6-CDI engine ABE (general operating permits) L763, L764, L765, L766. It concerns vehicles built between 27 November 2006 and 8 December 2006. VIN-rangeWDB906XXXXS134310 - WDB906XXXXS145646.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
20/04/2007 - Daimler Chrysler
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
On the starter cable assembly, it is possible for a cable to become detached from the end lug. This leaves the vehicle without electrical current, and the engine cuts out. In the worst case a short circuit with sparking can occur, as a result of which fire cannot be completely ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Mercedes-Benz, Sprinter with 3.0 litre V6-CDI engine ABE (general operating permits) L763, L764, L765, L766. It concerns vehicles built between 27 November 2006 and 8 December 2006. VIN-rangeWDB906XXXXS134310 - WDB906XXXXS145646.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
20/04/2007 - Daimler Chrysler
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
On the starter cable assembly, it is possible for a cable to become detached from the end lug. This leaves the vehicle without electrical current, and the engine cuts out. In the worst case a short circuit with sparking can occur, as a result of which fire cannot be completely ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Mercedes-Benz, Sprinter with 3.0 litre V6-CDI engine ABE (general operating permits) L763, L764, L765, L766. It concerns vehicles built between 27 November 2006 and 8 December 2006. VIN-rangeWDB906XXXXS134310 - WDB906XXXXS145646.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
20/04/2007 - Daimler Chrysler
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
On the starter cable assembly, it is possible for a cable to become detached from the end lug. This leaves the vehicle without electrical current, and the engine cuts out. In the worst case a short circuit with sparking can occur, as a result of which fire cannot be completely ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Mercedes-Benz, Sprinter with 3.0 litre V6-CDI engine ABE (general operating permits) L763, L764, L765, L766. It concerns vehicles built between 27 November 2006 and 8 December 2006. VIN-rangeWDB906XXXXS134310 - WDB906XXXXS145646.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
20/04/2007 - Daimler Chrysler
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
On the starter cable assembly, it is possible for a cable to become detached from the end lug. This leaves the vehicle without electrical current, and the engine cuts out. In the worst case a short circuit with sparking can occur, as a result of which fire cannot be completely ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Mercedes-Benz, Sprinter with 3.0 litre V6-CDI engine ABE (general operating permits) L763, L764, L765, L766. It concerns vehicles built between 27 November 2006 and 8 December 2006. VIN-rangeWDB906XXXXS134310 - WDB906XXXXS145646.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View