Car Recall Check: Recalls , Vehicle Parts

Car Recall Check

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Vehicle Type:
01/02/2008 - Delphi
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because, due to a process control issue, there is a potential risk of cracking in the wishbone forging area. The defect can cause the loss of vehicle front wheel suspension.
Model Numbers:
TC857 & TC858 with date codes AK18B and AK39B. TC859 & TC860 with date codes AK33B and AK34B.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
01/02/2008 - Delphi
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because, due to a process control issue, there is a potential risk of cracking in the wishbone forging area. The defect can cause the loss of vehicle front wheel suspension.
Model Numbers:
TC857 & TC858 with date codes AK18B and AK39B. TC859 & TC860 with date codes AK33B and AK34B.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
01/02/2008 - Delphi
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because, due to a process control issue, there is a potential risk of cracking in the wishbone forging area. The defect can cause the loss of vehicle front wheel suspension.
Model Numbers:
TC857 & TC858 with date codes AK18B and AK39B. TC859 & TC860 with date codes AK33B and AK34B.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
07/12/2007 - FBK Marketing BRAKES.
FBK Marketing BRAKES. /
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a carcinogenic risk because it contains asbestos fibres. If asbestos filament will get into persons body, there is potential risk of getting cancer or asbestosis.
Model Numbers:
C/R No: K-2350, no barcode.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
07/12/2007 - FBK Marketing BRAKES.
FBK Marketing BRAKES. /
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a carcinogenic risk because it contains asbestos fibres. If asbestos filament will get into persons body, there is potential risk of getting cancer or asbestosis.
Model Numbers:
C/R No: K-2350, no barcode.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
07/12/2007 - FBK Marketing BRAKES.
FBK Marketing BRAKES. /
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a carcinogenic risk because it contains asbestos fibres. If asbestos filament will get into persons body, there is potential risk of getting cancer or asbestosis.
Model Numbers:
C/R No: K-2350, no barcode.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
07/12/2007 - FBK Marketing BRAKES.
FBK Marketing BRAKES. /
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a carcinogenic risk because it contains asbestos fibres. If asbestos filament will get into persons body, there is potential risk of getting cancer or asbestosis.
Model Numbers:
C/R No: K-2350, no barcode.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
24/08/2007 - Mitsubishi
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
There is a possibility that the bolt welded to the manual control lever (lower) at the AT side may be cracked, which may result in loosening of the adjust nut and moving of the cable. This can then lead to a different positioning of the shift lever itself from actual A/T shift position. (For instance: Shift lever position is “P”, but actually A/T shift position is “R”). In this case, customer tries to start the engine, but engine cannot start because of “R” position .In a worst-case scenario, the bolt might get broken and then, the control cable might be disconnected from the fixing location, resulting in no operation of A/T shift and inability for driving.
Model Numbers:
Pajero/Montero (Shogun) AT (V87/V88/V97/V98)
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
24/08/2007 - Mitsubishi
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
There is a possibility that the bolt welded to the manual control lever (lower) at the AT side may be cracked, which may result in loosening of the adjust nut and moving of the cable. This can then lead to a different positioning of the shift lever itself from actual A/T shift position. (For instance: Shift lever position is “P”, but actually A/T shift position is “R”). In this case, customer tries to start the engine, but engine cannot start because of “R” position .In a worst-case scenario, the bolt might get broken and then, the control cable might be disconnected from the fixing location, resulting in no operation of A/T shift and inability for driving.
Model Numbers:
Pajero/Montero (Shogun) AT (V87/V88/V97/V98)
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
24/08/2007 - Mitsubishi
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
There is a possibility that the bolt welded to the manual control lever (lower) at the AT side may be cracked, which may result in loosening of the adjust nut and moving of the cable. This can then lead to a different positioning of the shift lever itself from actual A/T shift position. (For instance: Shift lever position is “P”, but actually A/T shift position is “R”). In this case, customer tries to start the engine, but engine cannot start because of “R” position .In a worst-case scenario, the bolt might get broken and then, the control cable might be disconnected from the fixing location, resulting in no operation of A/T shift and inability for driving.
Model Numbers:
Pajero/Montero (Shogun) AT (V87/V88/V97/V98)
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
24/08/2007 - Mitsubishi
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
There is a possibility that the bolt welded to the manual control lever (lower) at the AT side may be cracked, which may result in loosening of the adjust nut and moving of the cable. This can then lead to a different positioning of the shift lever itself from actual A/T shift position. (For instance: Shift lever position is “P”, but actually A/T shift position is “R”). In this case, customer tries to start the engine, but engine cannot start because of “R” position .In a worst-case scenario, the bolt might get broken and then, the control cable might be disconnected from the fixing location, resulting in no operation of A/T shift and inability for driving.
Model Numbers:
Pajero/Montero (Shogun) AT (V87/V88/V97/V98)
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
01/06/2007 - SUZUKI
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The affected vehicles may have a potential risk of malfunction in the parking brake system. The parking brake cable end and parking brake shoe lever may be assembled incorrectly. There is a possibility that the parking cable brake end will detach from the parking brake shoe lever. In this situation the effectiveness of the parking brake will be lost.
Model Numbers:
Swift 1.3 & 1.5 (code of recall: “HUGJ”)
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View