Date From | Date To | Concern |
01/11/01 | | Raised: 30/10/06 - POSSIBILITY OF ENGINE BAY FIRE View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2006/170 (1549)
Manufacturer Reference5076
DefectIt has been identified that on a small number of vehicles the possibility exists there may be a short circuit situation within the engine additional heater system during the warm up period which could lead to a fire within the engine compartment.
RemedyRecalled vehicles will have the electrical supply to the additional heater modified; in order to avoid the possibility of the short circuit occurring.
10/03/00 | | Raised: 05/04/04 - POSSIBLE RISK OF FIRE AND LOSS OF POWER ASSISTED STEERING View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2004/055 (1118)
Manufacturer Reference
DefectThere is a possibility that the high pressure power steering pipe may contact the exhaust downpipe which may result in a risk of fire and loss of power steering assistance.
RemedyRecall affected vehicles check pipe for contact with exhaust and fit extra retaining bracket to power assisted steering pipe.
01/03/03 | | Raised: 26/01/04 - BRAKE PIPE MAY CHAFE ON PAS PIPE MOUNTING BRACKET View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2003/189 (29)
Manufacturer Reference
DefectThe fitting of an incorrect connector between the brake pipe and the master cylinder may cause the brake pipe to chafe on a power steering pipe support bracket. In the worst case this could result in a fluid leak and a reduction in braking efficiency.
RemedyReplace the connector brake pipe and seals.
01/01/02 | | Raised: 11/08/03 - LOOSENING OF FRONT SUSPENSION View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2003/093 (213)
Manufacturer Reference
DefectGradual loosening of the front suspension may result in noise and deterioration of the suspension and handling characteristics.
RemedyReplace the original equipment front suspension reinforcing plates and fasteners with modified components.
| | Raised: 04/10/02 - BRAKE PIPE MAY CHAFE ON CABLE BRACKET View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2002/146 (256)
Manufacturer Reference4494
DefectThe metal brake pipe between the master cylinder and the ABS unit may chafe on a cable bracket. A seriously damaged brake pipe will reduce the braking efficiency.
RemedyCheck brake pipe condition and clearances. Renew any damaged pipes.
| | Raised: 02/08/02 - POTENTIAL FUEL LEAK View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2002/145 (73)
Manufacturer Reference4491
DefectThe fuel delivery pipe from the pump may due to engine movement become strained at its connection to the injector rail. This could result in a fuel leak.
RemedyFit two additional support clips to the fuel delivery pipe.
01/11/97 | | Raised: 23/12/98 - BRAKE PIPE CONNECTOR MAY CRACK AND LEAK View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/1998/097 (4564)
Manufacturer Reference
DefectOn some right hand drive 156 vehicles the brake master cylinder supply pipe connectors could develop cracks and leak hydraulic fluid with a possible reduction in braking efficiency of one of the two circuits.
RemedyRecall potentially affected vehicles and replace suspect connectors and two rubber flexible pipes on the brake master cylinder with new upgraded ones.