Date From | Date To | Concern |
01/12/14 | | Raised: 13/02/18 - ENGINE MAY OVERHEAT View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2018/049 (2098)
Manufacturer ReferenceGFJ
DefectThe engine electronic cooling management control strategy and the maximum temperature alert threshold could cause the engine to overheat. This could result in a warning light and a message being displayed on the instrument panel.
Remedy"On affected vehicles download a new engine management software in order to modifythe cooling management parameters to improve the control of the engine operating temperature."
15/05/13 | | Raised: 06/07/17 - STARTER SUPPLY WIRE MAY CHAFE View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2017/208 (2014)
Manufacturer ReferenceGBN
DefectThe positioning of the starter motor supply terminal may not conform to specification. Contact with a neighbouring component could cause a short circuit.
RemedyOn affected vehicles check the position of the terminal and where necessary reposition. Replace damaged components if necessary.
26/04/16 | | Raised: 20/07/16 - AIRBAG MAY INCORRECTLY DEPLOY View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2016/171 (967)
Manufacturer ReferenceNSY
DefectOn affected vehicles the driver's air bag inflation device may not conform to specification. As a result may not deploy correctly during an impact.
RemedyReplace the driver's air bag module on affected vehicles
01/09/12 | | Raised: 08/12/15 - FUEL MAY LEAK View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2015/243 (9483)
Manufacturer ReferenceNKA
DefectThe fuel filter's integrated heater may be defective and could cause the cover to distort. This could cause air ingress and fuel egress. Either could cause poor starting and a warning light should illuminate
RemedyOn affected vehicles replace fuel heater cover. Check and if necessary replace connector.
13/06/12 | | Raised: 27/09/13 - FUEL MAY LEAK ONTO ENGINE View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2013/108 (30)
Manufacturer ReferenceMXZ
Defect"It is possible that a leak can occur between the injector spill rail connection and the plastic fuel return pipe. This can cause leakage of fuel which can either pool on the engine cylinder head and then become deposited onto the road surface where it could cause a skid risk to othermotorist or if the fuel comes into contact with extremely hot engine components an exhaust manifold for instance it is possible that an under bonnet fire could ensue."
RemedyRecall the vehicles that are likely to be affected to check the sealing of the fuel return pipe connection on each injector and if necessary replace the injectors as well as the fuel return pipes.
22/04/09 | | Raised: 05/07/11 - ENGINE MAY STALL View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2011/080 (157)
Manufacturer ReferenceMLL
DefectIt is possible for the engine to stall due to incorrect reading of oil levels during harsh and prolonged braking.
RemedyRecall the vehicles that are likely to be affected to download new software to the engine ECU.
10/03/09 | | Raised: 31/03/11 - WINDSCREEN WIPER MOTOR MAY FAIL View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2011/032 (4271)
Manufacturer ReferenceMJK
DefectOn affected vehicles an internal nonconformity in the drivers side windscreen wiper motor may lead over time to the failure of the windscreen wiper mechanism.
RemedyReplacement of drivers side windscreen wiper motor.
21/12/06 | | Raised: 17/12/10 - BRAKING ASSISTANCE MAY NOT PERFORM CORRECTLY View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2010/223 (20089)
Manufacturer ReferenceMGG
DefectIn very rare circumstances the vacuum pump one way valve may not function correctly which could affect the level of braking assistance.
RemedyRecall the vehicles that are likely to be affected to replace the brake vacuum pump one way valve.
18/12/09 | | Raised: 05/11/10 - PARKING BRAKE MAY FAIL View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2010/189 (957)
Manufacturer ReferenceMGK
DefectIt has been identified that due to the Non-Conformity of the handbrake adjustment system in the handbrake mechanism it is possible that there can be a reduction in the efficiency of the parking brake.
RemedyRecall all affected vehicles for the replacement of the handbrake lever mechanism.
03/06/09 | | Raised: 01/12/09 - REAR SCREEN MAY NOT REMAIN IN OPEN POSITION. View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2009/138 (1012)
Manufacturer ReferenceMDN MDF & MDB
DefectThe ball mountings for the rear screen support struts may dislocate and the screen will not remain in open position
RemedyRecall affected vehicles check security/tightness of strut mounting balls and replace any that are damaged.
01/01/08 | | Raised: 13/11/09 - WINDSCREEN TRIM MAY DETACH View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2009/129 (5142)
Manufacturer ReferenceMDC & MCK
DefectIt has been identified that one of the windscreen side trims is not compliant. This may lead to the side trim moving position and in rare cases detaching.
RemedyRecalled vehicles will be checked for windscreen trim compliance. Should a non-compliance be identified the side trims will be replaced.
| | Raised: 25/02/09 - FUEL MAY LEAK View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2009/021 (27)
Manufacturer ReferenceMAS
DefectIt has been identified that a batch of fuel injector pumps supplied as spare parts may have covers manufactured from a defective material. This could cause the pump covers to develop fissures which over time may lead to fuel leakage.
RemedyRecalled vehicles will have the fuel injector pump replaced.
01/02/08 | | Raised: 24/12/08 - WIPERS / LIGHTS/ BATTERY CHARGING MAY BE AFFECTED. View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2008/199 (6031)
Manufacturer ReferenceMAQ
DefectAn incorrect engine relay unit may have been fitted. This ECU could deteriorate and cause operating faults and perhaps failure of certain equipment
RemedyRecall affected vehicles check Engine Relay Unit and replace if not correct specification.
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2008/115 (1611)
Manufacturer Referenceyhw
DefectIt has been identified that the diesel fuel return pipe which is fixed to the inlet manifold may be abraded to the extent that if left undetected will leak.
RemedyRecalled vehicles as a preventative measure will have the pipe inspected for damage. If any is found the pipe will be replaced. In cases where the pipe remains undamaged it will be fitted with reinforcement.
13/02/07 | | Raised: 15/05/08 - ENGINE MAY STALL View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2008/073 (1427)
Manufacturer ReferenceYHR
DefectIt has been identified that there is a risk of the engine stalling under very firm braking conditions.
RemedyRecalled vehicles will have the engine ECU software upgraded.
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2008/051 (2557)
Manufacturer ReferenceYES
DefectThe brake pedal might feel stiff and the braking distances extended as a result of a defect in the vacuum pump.
RemedyRecall the vehicles that are likely to be affected to replace the valve in the vacuum pump.
06/07/05 | | Raised: 05/02/08 - POSSIBILITY OF REDUCED BRAKING PERFORMANCE View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2008/017 (520)
Manufacturer ReferenceYER
DefectIt has been identified that vehicles fitted with 2I HDI engines may have been fitted a vacuum pump which may not be to specification. This could lead to a decrease in braking assistance.
RemedyRecalled vehicles will have the vacuum pump replaced.
27/07/04 | | Raised: 23/02/06 - FUEL LEAKING INTO ENGINE View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2006/030 (257)
Manufacturer ReferenceXVS
DefectIt has been identified that a potential fault in the engine management system could cause an internal fuel leak via one or more of the fuel injectors after switching off. This would result in a failure to restart because of excess fuel present in the inlet manifold or cylinders.
RemedyRecalled vehicles will have the engine management unit software upgraded.
01/07/04 | | Raised: 25/04/05 - DIESEL FUEL RETURN PIPE MAY LEAK View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2005/057 (1286)
Manufacturer ReferenceXUU
DefectThe diesel fuel return pipe of the injection system for 1.6 HDI ( DV6) engines carries the risk that over time seeping of fuel may occur due to nonconformity in manufacture.
RemedyRecalled vehicles will have the return pipe replaced with a quality assured item.
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2004/096 (3562)
Manufacturer Reference
DefectThe original ECU software could generate an excessive vibration of the injection butterfly. In very rare cases the butterfly upper stop may fail causing the engine to go to back up mode which may result in a drop of brake assistance efficiency
RemedyRecall affected vehicles and download new engine ECU software and initialisation of the ECU.
01/01/01 | | Raised: 03/10/03 - POSSIBLE CRACKING OF ROAD WHEEL View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2003/151 (14110)
Manufacturer ReferenceXVA
DefectUnder severe operating conditions and high mileage the pressed aluminium road wheels may crack around the wheel fixing holes. This could ultimately result in the detachment of a wheel.
RemedyReplace the wheels with a modified type.
01/01/01 | | Raised: 16/08/02 - ABS CONTROL UNIT MAY OVERHEAT View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2002/090 (878)
Manufacturer ReferenceXJN
DefectThe anti lock brake control unit may overheat and cause the footbrake to revert to none anti lock mode.
RemedyCheck the ABS control unit identification number and replace the control unit where found necessary.
| | Raised: 16/08/02 - REPLACEMENT OF HANDBRAKE LEVER View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2002/084 (16061)
Manufacturer ReferenceXJZ
DefectThere is a possibility that the handbrake will not hold the vehicle stationary if it is not fully applied.
RemedyFit a modified handbrake lever designed to ensure that an effective brake application is always made
01/01/00 | | Raised: 23/01/02 - ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM CONCERN View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2002/009 (2373)
Manufacturer ReferenceXHC
DefectA defect in the ABS (Antilock Brake) ring on the front wheel bearings may cause a malfunction of the Antilock Brake System.
RemedyRecall affected vehicles and fit new front wheel bearings.