Date From | Date To | Concern |
24/06/18 | | Raised: 31/01/23 - On certain vehicles an incorrect configuration was loaded onto the Body Control Module (BCM). View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2023/024 (235)
Manufacturer Reference22C32
DefectOn certain vehicles an incorrect configuration was loaded onto the Body Control Module (BCM).
RemedyUpdate the Daytime Running Lamps software configuration.
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2020/140 (3469)
Manufacturer Reference20S22
DefectAn improper bond may exist between the panorama roof and the vehicle body.
RemedyRemove clean and reinstall the panoramic roof glass on the affected vehicles.
22/01/20 | | Raised: 21/02/20 - SUDDEN LOSS OF BRAKE PERFORMANCE View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2020/044 (9)
Manufacturer Reference20S05
DefectThe brake booster diaphragm plate can crack causing the internal membrane to split and leading to sudden loss of brake performance.
RemedyReplace the brake booster (servo).
10/07/16 | | Raised: 22/02/19 - VEHICLE COULD SUFFER CLUTCH PRESSURE PLATE FRACTURE View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2018/350 (554)
Manufacturer Reference18S39
DefectA number of vehicles fitted with a 1.0 1.5 or 1.6 Ecoboost engine and 6-speed manual transmission could suffer clutch pressure plate fracture. This results in clutch smell reduced vehicle speed and performance. In the unlikely event of clutch pressure plate fracture a noise (thud / bang) could be heard from the vicinity of the transmission in extreme cases resulting in clutch / transmission fragments being released and striking under hood components creating a risk of smoke and fire from the under hood area.
RemedyTo prevent the repeated heating /cooling events a new calibration has been developed for vehicles fitted with Engine Stop Start feature. The software with the additional feature sets the Instrument panel ?Wrench light? and de-rates the engine performance if prolonged clutch slip is detected. The software feature includes a drive cycle strategy for latching the wrench light and engine performance de-rate if the customer should experience repeated clutch slip events. For vehicles that do not have Engine Stop Start feature an alternative clutch kit has been released.
01/08/12 | | Raised: 16/07/18 - CLUTCH PRESSURE PLATE MAY FRACTURE View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2018/194 (199)
Manufacturer Reference18S07
DefectA number of vehicles fitted with a 1.0 1.5 or 1.6 Ecoboost engine and 6-speed manual transmission could suffer clutch pressure plate fracture. This results in clutch smell reduced vehicle speed and performance. In the unlikely event of clutch pressure plate fracture a noise (thud / bang) could be heard from the vicinity of the transmission in extreme cases resulting in clutch / transmission fragments being released and striking under hood components creating a risk of smoke and fire from the under hood area.
RemedyTo prevent the repeated heating /cooling events a new calibration has been developed for vehicles fitted with Engine Stop Start feature. The software with the additional feature sets the Instrument panel ?Wrench light? and de-rates the engine performance if prolonged clutch slip is detected. The software feature includes a drive cycle strategy for latching the wrench light and engine performance de-rate if the customer should experience repeated clutch slip events. For vehicles that do not have Engine Stop Start feature an alternative clutch kit has been released.
| | Raised: 08/01/18 - THE ENGINE CYLINDER HEAD MAY CRACK View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2018/009 (9)
Manufacturer Reference17S09
DefectLocalized overheating of the engine cylinder head may cause the cylinder head to crack.This may cause a pressurized oil leak which in extreme circumstances could result in a fire in the engine compartment.
RemedyOn affected vehicles Inspect engine and cooling system. Replace affected components and fit a Coolant Level Sensor along with associated software to provide and audible and visual warning to the driver.
02/06/10 | | Raised: 08/01/18 - THE ENGINE CYLINDER HEAD MAY CRACK View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2018/009 (9)
Manufacturer Reference17S09
DefectLocalized overheating of the engine cylinder head may cause the cylinder head to crack.This may cause a pressurized oil leak which in extreme circumstances could result in a fire in the engine compartment.
RemedyOn affected vehicles Inspect engine and cooling system. Replace affected components and fit a Coolant Level Sensor along with associated software to provide and audible and visual warning to the driver.
04/10/13 | | Raised: 09/01/17 - PANORAMIC ROOF GLASS MAY DETACH View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2016/244 (313)
Manufacturer Reference16S35
DefectIt has been identified that the mating surface of the vehicle body for the panoramic glass roof panel may have been contaminated during the primer phase of the instigation process. There is a possibility that this could cause poor adhesion between the panoramic glass roof panel and the vehicle body. This could result in wind noise water leaks and in the worst cases detachment of the panoramic glass roof.
RemedyRecall all affected vehicles to remove clean body and re-bond the panoramic glass roof panel.