Date From | Date To | Concern |
03/02/09 | | Raised: 31/05/17 - MOUNTING POINTS FOR SEAT RUNNER MAY FAIL View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2017/150 (95172)
Manufacturer Reference
DefectOne or more of the mounting points between the runner and the driver?s seat may fail.
Remedy"On affected vehicles inspect the driver?s seat frame to determine if seat lifter links are damaged. If no damage is evident fit reinforcement brackets and ?push nuts?. If damage is present to the seat lifter link replace seat frame. If damage is restricted to stabilizer bar then the bar will be repaired plus brackets and? push nuts? fitted. "
30/10/13 | | Raised: 21/10/14 - ENGINE MAY STALL View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2014/134 (394)
Manufacturer ReferenceAE021A
DefectEngine may not restart when customer expects after i-stop operation. Although check engine light on dashboard will illuminate.
RemedyRecall the vehicles that are likely to be affected and re-programme the engine Power Control Module (PCM) with a modified calibration.
07/01/08 | | Raised: 12/07/11 - WIPER MOTOR MAY FAIL View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2011/071 (11354)
Manufacturer Reference
DefectFront windscreen motor may suddenly stop operating. The cause of the problem is due to a poor electrical earth connection.
RemedyThe remedy is a fitment of an additional earth wire between the wiper motor and body of the vehicle.
26/12/06 | | Raised: 09/02/09 - ENGINE REVS MAY INCREASE INADVERTENTLY View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2008/194 (15854)
Manufacturer Reference
DefectIt is possible that white smoke can occur from the exhaust pipe and engine speed may increase whilst driving.
RemedyRecall affected vehicles and replace Power Control Module.
26/12/06 | | Raised: 08/04/08 - ENGINE MOUNTING MAY FAIL UNDER SUDDEN ACCELERATION View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2008/050 (3965)
Manufacturer Reference
DefectIt has been identified that the number 4 engine mounting bolt may not have been tightened to the correct torque during production. This could result in the engine mounting failing under sudden acceleration.
RemedyRecalled vehicles will have the mounting bolt checked for compliance. Should the torque on the subject bolt be found to be outside of the specification.The appropriate action as described in the technical instruction will be applied as necessary.
13/07/06 | | Raised: 19/07/07 - ENGINE MOUNTING BOLT MAY FAIL View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2007/100 (430)
Manufacturer Reference
DefectNo 4 Engine mounting tightening bolt may loosen if a sudden acceleration is repeatedly carried out. If vehicle is continually used under such conditions No 4 mounting bolt may drop off and break allowing transmission to be out of position and in the worst case the driveshaft may detach resulting in loss of drive.
RemedyRecall affected vehicles to check mounting bolt torque and if necessary replace bolt with modified version.
08/04/04 | | Raised: 16/08/06 - ENGINE MAY SEIZE View/hide..
Recalls Number (Vehicles Effected)R/2006/114 (181)
Manufacturer Reference
DefectIt has been identified that on a small number of vehicles the oil feed in the cylinder head and camshaft carrier may not be correctly aligned allowing the oil flow to be restricted. If this this allowed to continue it is likely to result in an engine malfunction when the mileage exceeds 62000.
RemedyRecalled vehicles will be checked for their presence in the affected range and fitted with a new partial engine if so identified.